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[REBOL] getting rid of empty string in a block.

From: p0665393:magellan:umontreal:ca at: 13-Mar-2002 11:39

Hi all, I want to sort a file by line alphabetic order. It appears it works at once as I write an idea ! Rebol is great ! str: copy [] foreach l (sort read/lines %my-file) [append str join l "^/"] But I haven't thought of blank line which are empty string in the sort read/lines resulting block. I try using the string length. But I don't understand the following evaluations :
>> t: ["" "" "one" "two"] >> foreach i t [print length? i]
0 0 3 3
>> foreach i t [if length? i [print i]]
one two
>> foreach i t [if length? i <> 0 [print i]]
** Script Error: length? expected series argument of type: series port tuple struct ** Near: if length? i <> 0
>> foreach i t [if (length? to-string i <> 0) [print i]]
one two ---- What would be the best solution to get rid of the empty strings ? (or of any empty values of a block, be they string or of any type? Could you give me a pointer to the explanation of this in the official doc ? Many thanks, Best regards Stephane