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[REBOL] Rebol/ View dll do-browser crashing browser

From: bry:itnisk at: 21-Mar-2004 15:12

Hi, I was adapting Kevin Adams search2.r to be a searchbar in explorer, pretty much I just went through and replaced browse/only with do-browser some extra joins, it works only, not very often, about 70% of the time it crashes the browser, if the browser opens with the searchbar window open it crashes as well basically if the searchbar crashes the browser once, it will restart about 3-4 times before it stops crashing. I sort of find that annoying. now it was completely fine before I added in do-browser, only then of course every time I did a search and clicked on the button it opened a new browser instance. So I assume it has to be do-browser, only as one can see from the code here do-browser is also called by buttons being pushed: about: layout [ backdrop 219.219.219 h1 "Search Center" 28.52.86 text "Version 1.2.0" text "written by Kevin Adams, [kadams--netlane--com]" button "okay" [unview] 70x20 effect [gradient 0.0.0] ] win1: layout/size [ backdrop 219.219.219 h1 "Search Center" 28.52.86 guide pad 20 button "Section One" [panels/pane: panel1 show panels] 85x20 effect [gradient 0.0.0] button "Section Two" [panels/pane: panel2 show panels] 85x20 effect [gradient 0.0.0] button "About" [view/new center-face about] 85x20 effect [gradient 0.0.0] button "Quit" [quit] 85x20 effect [gradient 0.0.0] return box 2x270 28.52.86 return panels: box 180x280 ] 350x350 panel1: layout [ backdrop 219.219.219 across h2 "Dictionary Search" 28.52.86 return word_to_lookup2: field 120 [ ] button "Go" 30 effect [gradient 0.0.0] [ do-browser join "go('" join [ "? book=dictionary&va=" word_to_lookup2/text] "')" ] return h2 "Google Search" 28.52.86 return word_to_lookup3: field 120 [ ] button "Go" 30 effect [gradient 0.0.0] [ do-browser join "go('" join ["" word_to_lookup3/text "&btnG=Google+Search"] " ')" ] return h2 "Yahoo Search" 28.52.86 return word_to_lookup6: field 120 [ ] button "Go" 30 effect [gradient 0.0.0] [ do-browser join "go('" join ["" word_to_lookup6/text ] "')" ] return h2 "Slashdot Search" 28.52.86 return word_to_lookup1: field 120 [ ] button "Go" 30 effect [gradient 0.0.0] [ do-browser join "go('" join [" query="word_to_lookup1/text ] "')" ] ] panel2: layout [ backdrop 219.219.219 across return h2 "Image Search" 28.52.86 return word_to_lookup4: field 120 [ ] button "Go" 30 effect [gradient 0.0.0] [ do-browser join "go('" join ["" word_to_lookup4/text &btnG=Google+Search ] "')" ] return h2 "Usenet Search" 28.52.86 return word_to_lookup5: field 120 [ ] button "Go" 30 effect [gradient 0.0.0] [ do-browser join "go('" join ["" word_to_lookup5/text "&hl=&btnG=Google+Search ] ')" ] return h2 "eBay Search" 28.52.86 return word_to_lookup7: field 120 [ ] button "Go" 30 effect [gradient 0.0.0] [ do-browser join "go('" join [" MfcISAPICommand=GetResult&ht=1&Sor tProperty=MetaEndSort&query=" word_to_lookup7/text "&x=-567&y=-92"] "')" ] return h2 "Stock Quote" 28.52.86 return word_to_lookup8: field 120 [ ] button "Go" 30 effect [gradient 0.0.0] [ do-browser join "go('" join ["" word_to_lookup8/text "&d=v3"] "')" ] ] panel1/offset: 0x0 panel2/offset: 0x0 panels/pane: panel1 view center-face win1 'go' is just a function in my javascript, as follows: function go(url){,"_main",""); } to get it to open in the new browser window. The helpful IE error message is: --------------------------- iexplore.exe - Application Error --------------------------- The instruction at "0x77fcb007" referenced memory at "0x00650070". The memory could not be "written". Click on OK to terminate the program --------------------------- OK