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[REBOL] CORE experimental 2.4.39

From: jeff::rebol::net at: 22-Nov-2000 16:23

Howdy, REBOLs of the world! REBOL/core 2.4.39 experimental is now posted for download (most platforms). This version has a lot of fixes and improvements. Please do download it and put it through its paces. If all goes well, the more everyone bangs on this build, the closer we'll be to next release version! :-) The remaining platforms will soon follow, but probably not until sometime next week. -jeff ======================================================= CHANGES --- REBOL/core 2.4.39 experimental ======================================================= Added GET-MODES and SET-MODES for file and network ports. (These functions are NOT documented at this time and are subject to change in later versions. Use at own risk.) Added fork selection to the /custom block for OPEN, READ etc. Added /skip refinment to SELECT, FIND, UNION, INTERSECT, EXCLUDE, DIFFERENCE, UNIQUE. Added garbage collection of unreferenced open ports. Added CHECKSUM/hash. Removed /only refinement from DIFFERENCE (EXCLUDE is equivalent). Numerous fixes, enhancements and optimizations for list! and hash!. Added SYSTEM/SCRIPT/HEADER/CONTENT. When a REBOL script has the field CONTENT within the REBOL header and CONTENT is set to TRUE, the source code of the script will be placed in SYSTEM/SCRIPT/HEADER/CONTENT if the script is evaluated with DO, or included in the REBOL header oject found in the loaded block if imported with LOAD/header (or LOAD/next/header). Added NOW/precise refinement. Added asynchronous 'wait-able DNS for Unix and Windows: open dns:///async, then insert/wait/copy. UNIQUE uses the /case refinement. TO-BINARY of tuples now uses the tuple values instead of forming the tuple. LOAD/next/header now works as you would expect, resulting in a block with the evaluated header followed by the rest of the script as a string. JOIN on binary values now joins as binaries, not formed strings. Time! values can convert to integers and decimals. Weekdays fixed in system/locale/days. MOLD/only - does not include the outermost [] in the outer block. WAIT now works correctly on /lines ports opened without /with. WAIT now supports ports handlers (http, tcp etc.) in /direct mode. Added 'awake field in port-spec and root protocol to specify a block or function called when wait is about to wake up. Used to implement background processing. RANDOM now accepts series values picking a random item from that series. Subtraction of a date! value months bug fixed. Indefinite extent fixed, more or less. Numerous other bug fixes.