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[REBOL] Re: Style R flavour checker ;-)

From: jason:cunliffe:verizon at: 9-Jan-2002 11:35

I agree with Allen's comments about the virtues of publicly consistent style. As REBOL succeeds more, and the sizxe of its contributed library and user-populatino grows, this becomes a much more important issue. That has been one of the major success stories of Python. Python uses white space indentation, thus to write syntactically correct code, all Pythoneers must write in consisstent readable style. This was a major design feture, and makes it excellent for both novice and advanced user. It seems to me that REBOL needs better tools and strategies only. Ideally a really cool editor written in REBOL for REBOL. "REBEDIT" could also become a great showpiece, allow people to learn from it, enhance it, customize it, benefit from built-in FTP, http etc.. and be 100% cross multi-platform. Most of the pieces exist already.. With such an editor, those who prefer individual 'house' styles would be free to select [A-Z]. The editor would then parse incoming code adn pply selected style. When saved or sent [uploads/transfers], it would re-convert tranparently to the [global] REBOL standard style. In other words expand on an idea REBOL already implements when open and saving code which has travelled across platforms to fix line endings transparently. Is REBOL fast enough to this & compete with exiting editors? How big a project is this? Request for Features? .. The code folding [collapse/expand] suggestion is a very good one. Python has this also in the editor/shell whihc comes with PythonWin. This is based upon Scintilla [A free source code editing component for Win32 and GTK+] Mathematica developed the original idea I think with its wonderful notebook interface. I use UltraEdit irght now as my default text editor, this includes a crude hide/show tool, nice color syntax highlighting, smart indentation and built-in FTP. Most of what is needed, but I would jump for REBEDIT. How about you? ./Jason