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[REBOL] Experiments in Inference

From: tbrownell::l3technology::com at: 20-Feb-2003 0:26

Here's a challenge. Inference using Rebol. How to get from "Tweety is a canary." to "Tweety has feathers." Given the following. Tweety is a canary. Canary is a bird. Birds have feathers. Tweety has feathers. Where Tweety inherits the attributes of canaries. And Canaries inherit the attributes of birds. And Birds have feathers. Thus Tweety must have feathers also. If A is part of X and X is part of Y then A is part of Y. I considered the following... Bird: [has "feathers"] Canary: bird Tweety: Canary Tweety/has = "feathers" == True But this seems rather crude, and would run out of memory in a large inference model. Any thoughts? TBrownell