7 threads tagged as: [send]
Thread subject | Date | Started by |
Status of SEND function | 30-Apr-2007 | btiffin:rogers |
Re: Help with script to send (3rd try) | 16-Aug-2004 | psa102::toward::com |
Re: Help with script to send (RESEND: READ THIS VERSION) | 16-Aug-2004 | psa102::toward::com |
Re- Help with script to send (Follow up question | 16-Aug-2004 | psa102::toward::com |
Help with script to send | 15-Aug-2004 | psa102:toward |
send cmd | 22-Oct-2001 | roberth:utdallas |
SMTP and custom header not correct... | 11-Sep-2000 | jr::brainbyte::com |