30 threads tagged as: [parse-xml]
Thread subject | Date | Started by |
XML and logging | 8-Dec-2003 | the::optimizer::tiscali::it |
Question about Rebol and XML | 6-Sep-2003 | parki::whatevernot::com |
Rebol & XML | 5-Aug-2003 | AJMartin::orcon::net::nz |
XML-Parse | 5-Aug-2003 | AJMartin::orcon::net::nz |
XML-RPC - rebXR | 23-Jul-2003 | doug::vos::eds::com |
XML Parsing ???? | 20-Dec-2002 | vbegin:webbyzz |
The XML Schema compiler | 8-Nov-2002 | maarten::koopmans::surfnet::nl |
Rebol & XML encoding; use encoding="windows-1252" | 5-Jul-2002 | al::bri::xtra::co::nz |
XML Dialect | 25-Apr-2002 | al::bri::xtra::co::nz |
XML-RPC out of Rugby? | 28-Jan-2002 | koopmans::itr::ing::nl |
XML / dialects | 7-Jan-2002 | brett::codeconscious::com |
XML-RPC is coming to Rugby | 13-Dec-2001 | koopmans:itr:ing:nl |
parse-xml and build-tag | 7-Oct-2001 | hallvard::ystad::helpinhand::com |
ANN: xml-object.r , and...a question about REBOL's built-in parse-xml | 4-Oct-2001 | gavin::mckenzie::sympatico::ca |
ANN: xml-object.r 1.0.3 | 22-Sep-2001 | gavin::mckenzie::sympatico::ca |
ANN: xml-object.r | 18-Jul-2001 | gavin:mckenzie:sympatico:ca |
XML examples? | 21-Sep-2001 | jasonic::panix::com |
Re: Xml-object script where? | 8-Sep-2001 | geza67:freestart:hu |
[ALLY] XML and REBOL | 8-Sep-2001 | raven:swipnet:se |
XML gurus changing bulbs | 7-Jul-2001 | larry::ecotope::com |
ANN: xmlparse.r "a more compliant XML parser" | 13-Jul-2001 | gavin::mckenzie::sympatico::ca |
xmlStorageSystem | 4-Jul-2001 | larry:ecotope |
Control Functions and Functionals in Rebol | 17-May-2001 | lmecir::mbox::vol::cz |
Re: XML-Maker Function! | 13-Feb-2001 | mike::yaunish::home::com |
XML-processor toy. Or: "RFC" | 18-Nov-2000 | christian::ensel::gmx::de |
Re: xml? | 15-Nov-2000 | gchiu::compkarori::co::nz |
XML-Parsing?!? | 24-Oct-2000 | pscheller:atos:ch |
XML parsing / XMLRPC | 25-Sep-2000 | rebol::svendx::dk |
Where is the XML Parser of Rebol ? | 20-Sep-2000 | youpi::technologies::wanadoo::fr |
parse-xml cannot be reversed | 30-Jul-2000 | bhandley:zip:au |