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Messages for Apr-2006

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 Fri, 14 adl:absentisRe: Modal progress dialog
 adl:absentisRe: Modal progress dialog
 chalz:earthlinkRe: View facets question
 rebolforces:gm:ailRe: No *BETA AltME* for Linux
 rebolforces::gmailRe: Confusion about foreach
 gabriele:colellachiaraRe: Modal progress dialog
 rebolforces::gmailRe: View facets question
 chalz:earthlinkView facets question
 carl::cybercraft::co::nzRe: Reduce question
 Thu, 13 greggirwin::mindspring::comRe: Reduce question
 adl::absentis::comModal progress dialog
 rebol:ccsducto:arReduce question
 tmoeller::fastmail::fmRe: URLs/Links in Makedoc
 sqlab::gmx::netRe: Connecting to Oracle
 Wed, 12 tim-johnsons::web::comRe: REBOL browser plug-in project resumed ...
 D::Weyand::gmx::de[ANN] Remember-It! - a widget to remind dates ...
 massung:gma:ilRe: URLs/Links in Makedoc
 tmoeller:fastmail:fmURLs/Links in Makedoc
 gabriele::colellachiara::comRe: generating PDF (pdf-maker.r?)
 Tue, 11 petr::krenzelok::trz::czREBOL browser plug-in project resumed ...
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