Namespaces for functions
[1/7] from: greggirwin::starband::net at: 28-Aug-2001 10:36
Hi All,
What is the recommended approach for avoiding naming clashes in REBOL? I
haven't gotten to the point of understanding contexts and binding to know if
this is the mechanism I would need to use, or how best to organize a larger
project with multiple scripts that may have function name collisions.
Thanks in advance,
[2/7] from: pwoodward:cncdsl at: 28-Aug-2001 12:50
Gregg -
by default, the context of most names in REBOL is global. However, within
the scope of a function, you can declare names to be local within it's
For example:
my-name: "Test"
my-func: func [my-arg /local my-name] [
;function body here...
Essentially w/o the /local refinement, any reference to "my-name" within the
function would affect the global value of my-name. I suspect that you could
leverage a similar feature, along with paths in order to avoid namespace
collisions. By loading a function library into a named value -
my-image-lib: load %image-lib.r
in theory I suppose you could then reference functions within the library
something like:
my-image-lib/function-x [arg1 arg2]
Or something similar...
- Porter Woodward
[3/7] from: joel:neely:fedex at: 28-Aug-2001 11:59
Hi, Gregg,
My preference (which I've seen in many posts from others to the
list) is to use objects for that purpose.
I often have source files that resemble:
REBOL [...]
compiler: make object! [ ;; just kidding!!! ;-)
;; lots of data definitions
;; lots of function definitions
run: func [...] [
compiler/run ...blahblahblah...
so that all of the innards are kept out of the collision zone.
Another related trick is to have a *.r file create an object
which you can keep up with as you wish (without creating other
global words explicitly). A dinky example follows:
First the file usemod.r
toplevel: make object! [
thingie: do %submod.r
run: func [n [integer!]] [
thingie/init 0
loop n [
prin thingie/next
prin " -> "
print thingie/curr
loop n [
print thingie/prev
toplevel/run 5
... then the file submod.r
make object! [
_counter: 0
init: func [n [integer!]] [_counter: n]
next: func [] [_counter: _counter + 1]
curr: func [] [_counter]
prev: func [] [_counter: _counter - 1]
after which...
>> do %usemod.r
1 -> 1
2 -> 2
3 -> 3
4 -> 4
5 -> 5
at the cost of only one global word (toplevel).
Gregg Irwin wrote:
> Hi All,
> What is the recommended approach for avoiding naming clashes
> in REBOL? I haven't gotten to the point of understanding
> contexts and binding to know if this is the mechanism I would
> need to use, or how best to organize a larger project with
> multiple scripts that may have function name collisions.
This sentence contradicts itself -- no actually it doesn't.
-- Doug Hofstadter
[4/7] from: greggirwin:starband at: 28-Aug-2001 11:49
Thanks Joel! Thanks Porter! That's exactly what I was after.
[5/7] from: tim::johnsons-web::com at: 28-Aug-2001 11:36
Re: Namespaces for functions/some tips
Hi Gregg:
DISCLAIMER: I am not an advanced rebol programmer.
If any "real" rebol find errors or omissions in the
following, then it's to my benefit :>)
Having said that: I'll share some of my approaches and
1)Build a block of system words
NOTE: some will come from your user.r
>>all-rebol-words: first system/words
; now you have them in a block and you can print them,
; store them, whatever
2)Any time that you compose a word, check to see that it
isn't a system word. I also highly recommend using the
rebol function dictionary.
3)"Overloading": Let's say you're setting up an object
with a method called "print". If you use 'print with
the "print" method, the result will likely be a stack
overflow resulting from recusion. You can "overload"
this by using 'system/words/print.
4)Refinements: See above. And. If using refinements within
an object. You can compose a block of the words in the object
with something like this: Interpreter session follows:
>> do %cgilib.r ; load the object into memory
>> cgi-words: first cgio ;build a block of object words
; now you've got a list of words that you can refer to
by something like this: >> find cgi-words 'path-parts
or just >> find first cgio 'path-parts
Example: I've got object function member call 'hidden.
In another function of the same object, I have a refinement
called 'hidden. I use self/hidden to avoid the collision.
OR I might want to chose a different strategy. We're getting
a bit dicey here.
5)System words can be redefined like: sys-print: :print
SCRIPT LIBRARY:; System Object Browser
On Tue, Aug 28, 2001 at 10:36:02AM -0600, Gregg Irwin wrote:
> Hi All,
> What is the recommended approach for avoiding naming clashes in REBOL? I
<<quoted lines omitted: 7>>
> [rebol-request--rebol--com] with "unsubscribe" in the
> subject, without the quotes.
Tim Johnson <[tim--johnsons-web--com]>
[6/7] from: greggirwin:starband at: 28-Aug-2001 14:57
Thanks Tim!
Excellent information. I'm a big fan of IDEs and VB, for all the things
they've screwed up (IMO), does have some really nice features in the IDE; A
visual project outline, Intellisense, and the Object Browser being some big
ones. I've always built tools for myself and I'm chomping at the bit to
spend some time with REBOL so I can start building REBOL tools. First I have
to get to the point where I really grok its basics subconsciously. Patience
is a virtue.<g>
Thanks again for your feedback.
[7/7] from: tim::johnsons-web::com at: 28-Aug-2001 15:01
Re: Namespaces for functions/some tips/IDEs
On Tue, Aug 28, 2001 at 02:57:52PM -0600, Gregg Irwin wrote:
> Thanks Tim!
> Excellent information. I'm a big fan of IDEs and VB, for all the things
<<quoted lines omitted: 4>>
> to get to the point where I really grok its basics subconsciously. Patience
> is a virtue.<g>
I've done work in VBA and was impressed by some of the built-in features.
Myself, I've moved away from IDE in any languages that I work in.
However, I agree that a good IDE for rebol would be an attractive feature.
One of the negative things about IDEs that I have encountered
is that they frequently don't allow one to "plug in" their favorite
Given that there could be a major learining curve in picking up rebol,
it would be an enhancement offer the user of that IDE the freedom of
selecting an editor.
MHO : Tim
> Thanks again for your feedback.
> --Gregg
> --
> To unsubscribe from this list, please send an email to
> [rebol-request--rebol--com] with "unsubscribe" in the
> subject, without the quotes.
Tim Johnson <[tim--johnsons-web--com]>
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