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Rebol script competition!

 [1/24] from: ale870::gmail::com at: 25-Sep-2007 11:40

Hello, in my italian site I launched a funny Rebol competition. The scope is writing a SMALL Rebol script to write the text "Hello, Rebol!" without clearly writing the text in the script self. Example: THE FOLLOWING SCRIPT IS NOT VALID:
>> print "Hello, World!"
>> out: copy ""
foreach i {Ifmmp-!Sfcpm"} [ append out (i - 1) ] print out halt This competition is trivial, but I think it is a good way to "squeeze" Rebol to find out the limit of its functions, tokens, etc... Would you like to partecipate?! :-) (NOTE: Sguish Italian site, and some existing scripts can be reached in Rebol Desktop -> public sites -> Sguish ITA -> Micro Script Competition 2007 ) -- //Alessandro

 [2/24] from: anton:wilddsl:au at: 26-Sep-2007 1:00

Hi Alessandro, is this short enough ? do reverse {"" "==AJFJGwZbcIEMI0NNq+" esabed kaolced "onruojnob" ot} Anton.

 [3/24] from: dhsunanda::gmail at: 23-Sep-2007 11:31

> Would you like to partecipate?! :-)
Yes, please! print decloak "ú£MЃ^D!ÆÙÀbE$" ""

 [4/24] from: gregg::pointillistic::com at: 25-Sep-2007 9:57

>> The scope is writing a SMALL Rebol script to write the text "Hello, >> Rebol!" without clearly writing the text in the script self.
print as-string #{48656C6C6F2C205265626F6C21} ; Just a bit too long for one tuple a: b: repeat i length? a [prin to-char a/:i] repeat i length? b [prin to-char b/:i] ch: 0 b: [72 29 7 0 3 -67 -12 55 24 3 -6 -8 -67] foreach val b [prin to char! ch: ch + val] -- Gregg

 [5/24] from: dhsunanda:gma:il at: 23-Sep-2007 12:15

> print decloak "ú£MЃ^D!ÆÙÀbE$" ""
Which failed by the time it got back to me as some of the ASCII chars had been scrambled somewhere in the software stack. Once more, with ASCII armoring: print decompress #{789CF348CDC9C9D75108CF2FCA495104001F9E046A0D000000}

 [6/24] from: cyphre:seznam:cz at: 25-Sep-2007 18:42

Hi Alessandro, print xor {^K^M^-^-^]_^-&^/B^N^-M} "Cheers to all" Regards, Cyphre

 [7/24] from: jblake:arsenaldigital at: 25-Sep-2007 13:06

Quick! What's the Chinese character for "Hello"? Heheh Just kidding.

 [8/24] from: Tom:Conlin:gm:ail at: 25-Sep-2007 10:42

random "lR!olebeHlo " Alessandro Manotti wrote:

 [9/24] from: sant4:wanadoo at: 25-Sep-2007 19:49

cp/part find/match read {== "} 13 ==Steeve ;-)

 [10/24] from: Tom:Conlin:g:mail at: 25-Sep-2007 10:52

Tom wrote: whoops. random/seed 58993525

 [11/24] from: santilli:gabriele:gm:ail at: 25-Sep-2007 20:39

What about: print system/error/note/exited/1 xor {^M^]^E^XOCC4^Z^-^!^AE} But the shortest is probably the one using RANDOM:
>> random "r lHedl!loWo,"
== "Hello, World!" (Only works on a fresh console - ie default seed. Otherwise you also need to set the seed.) Regards, Gabriele.

 [12/24] from: hallvard::ystad::babelserver::org at: 25-Sep-2007 20:44

Dixit Gabriele Santilli (20.39 25.09.2007):
>>> random "r lHedl!loWo," >== "Hello, World!"
How many times did you have to try before you found the right combination? :) HY

 [13/24] from: ale870::gmail at: 26-Sep-2007 8:38

Hello, I'm publishing the scripts with yoour name, but without email address. If you don't like it, please contact me, or send me a message in this mailing-list, so I will eliminate the name as soon as possible. I wanted to publish the name since I think that is a good acknowledgement for your job! :-) On 9/26/07, Alessandro Manotti <> wrote:
> O my god! > I red my email yesterday, and now... I saw the madness entered here!!!
<<quoted lines omitted: 32>>
> >
-- //Alessandro

 [14/24] from: ale870:gmai:l at: 26-Sep-2007 15:22

I published several scripts. Thank you! Some of them are really incredible!!! Tom: I solved the problem: I created a script to find the correct seed for a mixed "Hello Rebol!" string... it worked! It took only about 3 minutes... a typical brute force attak!!!!!!! :-) On 9/26/07, Alessandro Manotti <> wrote:
> Tom, you killed me!!! > I published your script but... how did you do to find the right text and
<<quoted lines omitted: 81>>
> >
-- //Alessandro

 [15/24] from: moliad:gm:ail at: 26-Sep-2007 13:18

On 9/25/07, Tom <> wrote:
> > random "lR!olebeHlo " >
hahaha my favorite so far... -MAx

 [16/24] from: santilli:gabriele:gma:il at: 26-Sep-2007 12:02

2007/9/25, Hallvard Ystad <>:
> How many times did you have to try before you found the right combination? > :)
Just once. It's easy if you think about it. Now maybe this is a nicer puzzle to solve. ;) Regards, Gabriele.

 [17/24] from: Tom:Conlin::gmail at: 25-Sep-2007 19:48

Hallvard Ystad wrote:
> Dixit Gabriele Santilli (20.39 25.09.2007): >>>> random "r lHedl!loWo," >> == "Hello, World!" > > How many times did you have to try before you found the right combination? > :) > HY >
r: copy "" a: 0 until [random/seed a: 1 + a r: random "Hello, World!" random/seed 1 "Hello, World!" = random r ] == true
>> a
== 583578940
>> r
== "r lHedl!loWo,"

 [18/24] from: huguesmoisy:free at: 26-Sep-2007 14:21

print replace/all decompress #{ 789CF3505050F050700501051F051080900AFEFEFE1046380483F941400055E1 02043A1E10DD48FA20A43F14C37443F840AD400CD10DC2146B07012C6EC7A11D C9ED44DB1E4E99E3096B87381E04A02422E0C1BA61010FD10E52000A78006104 514CB6010000 } "," newline :) HM Le Tue, 25 Sep 2007 20:44:00 +0200, Hallvard Ystad <> a =E9crit:
> Dixit Gabriele Santilli (20.39 25.09.2007): >>>> random "r lHedl!loWo,"
<<quoted lines omitted: 4>>
> HY > Pr=E6tera censeo Carthaginem esse delendam
-- Utilisant le client e-mail r=E9volutionnaire d'Opera :

 [19/24] from: ale870::gmail at: 26-Sep-2007 7:43

O my god! I red my email yesterday, and now... I saw the madness entered here!!! (I'm joking!!!) Your solutions are absolutely great! I tried Tom solution (random) many times until he wrote the trick about seed :-). I'm still fully understanding the solution of Anton Roll, and I discovered many Rebol function that I didn't know/remember! Gabriele, even your solution is a worthy of true Rebol hacker !!!!! I will take your solutions, I will put them in my site and in Rebol Desktop Public site. Just for the glory, can I put your names in your scripts? On 9/25/07, Hallvard Ystad <> wrote:
> Dixit Gabriele Santilli (20.39 25.09.2007): > >>> random "r lHedl!loWo,"
<<quoted lines omitted: 6>>
> To unsubscribe from the list, just send an email to > lists at with unsubscribe as the subject.
-- //Alessandro

 [20/24] from: santilli:gabriele:gm:ail at: 29-Sep-2007 10:06

2007/9/26, Alessandro Manotti <>:
> Tom: I solved the problem: I created a script to find the correct seed for a > mixed "Hello Rebol!" string... it worked! It took only about 3 minutes... > > a typical brute force attak!!!!!!! :-)
It's much easier than that. I only needed one try. No brute force. I can do that for any seed. Give me the seed and I'll post the string. :-) If nobody can figure it out I'll post the solution. :) Regards, Gabriele.

 [21/24] from: ale870:gma:il at: 26-Sep-2007 13:36

Tom, you killed me!!! I published your script but... how did you do to find the right text and the right seed?!!!!!??!?! On 9/26/07, Alessandro Manotti <> wrote:
> Hello, I'm publishing the scripts with yoour name, but without email > address.
<<quoted lines omitted: 61>>
> >
-- //Alessandro

 [22/24] from: ale870:gm:ail at: 29-Sep-2007 10:28

First of all: "hugues free", even if your code is not "competition compliant" I will include it in the scripts repository (in Rebol Desktop), since it is very beautiful! :-) Thank you ! Gabriele, I think you are opening another fine competition ;-) Do not distribute the solution! Let us try for a little bit!!! On 9/29/07, Gabriele Santilli <> wrote:
> 2007/9/26, Alessandro Manotti <>: > > Tom: I solved the problem: I created a script to find the correct seed
<<quoted lines omitted: 12>>
> To unsubscribe from the list, just send an email to > lists at with unsubscribe as the subject.
-- //Alessandro

 [23/24] from: dhsunanda::gmail at: 26-Sep-2007 9:00

> Just once. It's easy if you think about it. Now maybe this is a nicer > puzzle to solve. ;)
It's a trick I worked out for myself some years ago. Fot those who want a clue: IF:
>> random/seed 1000 >> random "abcde" ;; string we want to randomize
== "dcaeb" THEN:
>> random/seed 1000 >> random "cebad" ;; "derandomise" to return to the original
== "abcde" Half the trick is to use the same seed each time. Sunanda

 [24/24] from: ale870:gma:il at: 29-Sep-2007 16:52

:-) :-) :-) (W reverse engineering!!!) On 9/26/07, Sunanda <> wrote:
> Gabriele: > > Just once. It's easy if you think about it. Now maybe this is a nicer
<<quoted lines omitted: 14>>
> To unsubscribe from the list, just send an email to > lists at with unsubscribe as the subject.
-- //Alessandro

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