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CoolEdit Syntax File

 [1/6] from: ammonjohnson::yahoo::com at: 14-Nov-2001 21:13

Hi, Does anyone have a Cool Edit syntax file for REBOL? Thanks!! Ammon

 [2/6] from: arolls:idatam:au at: 15-Nov-2001 18:43

What, surely not the sound editing software? You got a url? This might help you create a syntax file: The relevant part: // To extract these words I used this line of rebol in the console // (with user.r pretty much deactivated): // v: [] foreach word sort first system/words [if value? to-word word [append v word]] // Just remember to remove 'v from the results. Anton.

 [3/6] from: media:quazart at: 15-Nov-2001 8:19

Hi Ammon, Sorry I don't, but I made an automatic generator for Ultra edit once... just use RT's automatic dictionnary builder as a sample for browsing the word list and format the output into your editor's syntax.. worked for me! ciao! -MAx

 [4/6] from: ammonjohnson::yahoo at: 15-Nov-2001 17:36

The URL is: It is Linux only. Enjoy!! Ammon PS thanks all on the Syntax File building pointers. ;-)

 [5/6] from: ammonjohnson:yah:oo at: 15-Nov-2001 19:14

Could you give me more information on the built in dictionary builder? Thanks!! Ammon

 [6/6] from: media:quazart at: 16-Nov-2001 8:39

Hi Ammon, on the RT's script site (browse through the rebol interface) Inside you will find a loop which browses the word list or rebol. Just change the format of output, to what your application needs... the rebdoc script rebuild the dictionary html reference. You can probably use the view-ref.r tool also... but I have never looked at the :-) -Max