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update rules (?)

 [1/3] from: jthomas:apollo:evo:it at: 3-Nov-2000 16:40

Hello [jeff--rebol--net] On 02-Nov-00, [jeff--rebol--net] wrote:
>j >j
<<quoted lines omitted: 3>>
>j dirty approach that does something like that: >j
... my goal was something like the following: (your help has been VERY useful, thanx :D ) Regards -- Joachim Thomas - [jthomas--mail--evo--it] - ICQ 18088459 Amiga1260+Amiga4060PPC604 Member of ATO (italian Division) & Phoenix Consortium Concerti - Gruppi Musicali & Locali Virtual PHOTO Gallery Retarded: "When i grow up I'll work for MicroSoft..." -- Lorens Johansson -- Attached file included as plaintext by Listar -- -- File: TOJEFF.R REBOL [ title: "to Jeff" ] wordlist: ['gosh 'gulp 'sigh] endprg: false rules: [ 'halt (endprg: true) | set wordsel wordlist (print ["word selected!" wordsel]) | 'add set new-word word! ( append wordlist reduce [ '| to-lit-word new-word ] probe wordlist ) ] while [endprg = false] [ parse compose [(load ask "?? ")] [some rules] ]

 [2/3] from: jeff:rebol at: 2-Nov-2000 11:53

Howdy, Joachim: Letsee... if I understand correctly, here's a quick and dirty approach that does something like that: rules: [ 'foo (do-foo) | 'add set new-word word! set action block! ( append rules reduce [ '| to-lit-word new-word to-paren action ] ) ] forever [parse compose [(load ask "?? ")] [some rules]] comment [ ;-- For example: ?? zamo ?? add zamo [print "ZAMO!!"] ?? zamo ZAMO!! ?? add goof [print "GOOOOFFFF!!!"] ?? goof GOOOOFFFF!!! ?? add quit [quit] ?? quit ] ;- jeff

 [3/3] from: jthomas::apollo::evo::it at: 2-Nov-2000 21:02

Hello, I've been experimenting with rules in the last days and encountered this problem, without findin a satisfactory solution: 1] I've a block of words to load when the script is launched 2] I'll get some input from the user (ASK) 3] One first rule should check if the user typed one of the words (so I can execute an appropriate function/command) and eventually parsing for following data 4] Another rule should test if I typed 'ADD <newword>', where 'ADD is a literal word and <newword> should be added to the block of words parsed in the rules 5] exit saving updated block Anyone has a clue doing this in a clean&simple way? -- Joachim Thomas - [jthomas--mail--evo--it] - ICQ 18088459 Amiga1260+Amiga4060PPC604 Member of ATO (italian Division) & Phoenix Consortium Concerti - Gruppi Musicali & Locali Virtual PHOTO Gallery Error in operator: add beer -- Terrance Richard Boyes

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