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About Cookies

 [1/1] from: rondon::andrade::uol::com::br at: 18-Sep-2001 13:27

Hi Rebolers Sorry to bother you with this cookie issue. When I try to read some site, it sets a cookie, when it's set in a html code using a META tag it's easy, but when it's sending a cookie, when I'm using the 'read command, how can I get this cookie or several cookies? This site that I'm trying to read when set 'trace on, I can see those 2 cookies. One for Aspsession and other for User Profile. But how can I get these cookie values? I've tried to read the 'HTTP-Header and 'HTTP-Get-Header, it doesn't get the Cookie values, is there a 'system/options/ or some var that I can read those cookie values? I know that sending back to the server I can use the my-http.r scheme from G Scott. But I couldn't read yet the cookie received. ok. Any tips? Thanks in advance. Rondon