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colored text

 [1/9] from: koopmans::itr::ing::nl at: 19-Nov-2001 10:29

Hey Ciphre, Just saw the colored text in Grahams gorim2 You should publish it, awesome! --Maarten

 [2/9] from: cyphre:seznam:cz at: 19-Nov-2001 12:54

Hi Maarten, I'm still working on it ;) The version(incl. gorim parser) for Graham is only for text-viewing (no edit no cut'n paste functinality) I'm currently working on full color-text VID style (see with Rebol script parser...Still need some speed improvements, but I hope I'll manage it soon.(I have too much opened personal Rebol projects(SWIS NG, arcade game system, Rebol colaborative programming environment, RebRallye, vconsole...) and very little time for reboling - still working with fu***** Macromedia stuff :((( ) Anyway, I'll release at least the color-text viewer VID style right after little beta-testing it in Graham's Gorim ;) regards, Cyphre

 [3/9] from: mario:cassani:icl at: 19-Nov-2001 12:58

Hallo Cyphre,
> I'm still working on it ;) > The version(incl. gorim parser) for Graham is only for
<<quoted lines omitted: 4>>
> with Rebol script parser...Still need some speed > improvements, but I hope
is it possible to have mail/news color parsing too? I mean: From: [color--for-emails--addr]
> > > > > Something has color5 > > > > Something has color4 > > > Something has color3 > > Something has color2 > Something has color1
Something has standard color http://has.its-own.col/our.html this can be really great to create mail and news readers... My 2cents of Euro (still have to be accustomed to this) Mario Cassani

 [4/9] from: cyphre:seznam:cz at: 19-Nov-2001 14:36

Hi Mario, The color-text VID style uses very simple dialect like: view layout [ color-text ["Hello" red "World" eol bold blue "This is" normal yellow next italic "line."] wrap ] so there is no problem to parse any format and build the dialect block for your needs. regards, Cyphre

 [5/9] from: media:quazart at: 19-Nov-2001 9:37

Hi Cyphre, Any wildcards or parse specs allowed in string descriptions? I know I'm being a bit hard... but I'm just wondering -MAx

 [6/9] from: mario:cassani:icl at: 19-Nov-2001 16:51

Hallo Cyphre,
> The color-text VID style uses very simple dialect like: > > view layout [ > color-text ["Hello" red "World" eol bold blue "This is" > normal yellow > "next" italic "line."] wrap > ]
could you (or someone listening and interested) please help me writing a short example showing how to colorise the below example only (at the bottom)?
> so there is no problem to parse any format and build the > dialect block for > your needs.
I need a sample dialect able to distinguish between the below samples that are difficult because I cannot know how deep the quote goes... My dummy (and inefficient) approach would be something like (untested): ; *** Botton example is this *** ; ; > > Something has color2 ; > Something has color1 ; Something has standard color ; either parse mail-string ["> > > " copy unquoted-string to end] [ colored-string: [red "> > > " orange unquoted-string] ] [ either parse mail-string ["> > " copy unquoted-string to end] [ colored-string: [blue "> > " cyan unquoted-string] ] [ either parse mail-string ["> " copy unquoted-string to end] [ colored-string: [brown "> " yellow unquoted-string] ] [ colored-string: [mail-string] ] ] ] Thank you Mario

 [7/9] from: ammonjohnson:ya:hoo at: 19-Nov-2001 17:33

Hi, Just thought I would drop a line, I am right now wishing that I could get your Color-Text into RIDE. I would start developing RIDE, in RIDE if I could get that right now... Thanks!! Ammon PS we will need some Private Beta Testers for RIDE, your cooperation will ensure your selection for such a thing.

 [8/9] from: ammonjohnson:yaho:o at: 19-Nov-2001 17:59

Oops!! I meant to change the recipient on that last mail... --Ammon

 [9/9] from: cyphre:seznam:cz at: 20-Nov-2001 11:18

Hello Ammon, As you could read on the rebol-list there are still speed problems with the color-text editor style :-( Anyway, I have still in my mind some techniques/methods how to improve it. I'm planning to work on rewriting some parts of code during the weekend so please be patient. It is not so simple task like it seemed to be;-) If you are interested in the Lite version (just for text-viewing) write me so I can send you the code. regards Cyphre

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