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Suggestions about Rebol Jell remote console

 [1/3] from: ale870:gma:il at: 26-Jun-2006 16:47

Hello, in this week-end I was thinking about Jell Console Manager. I wanted your opinions about it, since I'm spending time either creating Jell Concole Manager or Jell AP. I think JellAP is a very usefull application, but I have some doubts about Console Manager. Can you give me your opinions, comments, etc...? I need such info, since if that one is not the right way, I could: 1) modifiy the software to create a better application 2) abandon Console Manger development to better concentrate in JellAP development. Can you help me with your suggestions? Thank you!

 [2/3] from: gerardcote::sympatico::ca at: 26-Jun-2006 11:18

Hi Allessandro, ----- Original Message ----- From: "Alessandro Manotti" <>
> in this week-end I was thinking about Jell Console Manager. > I think JellAP is a very usefull application, but I have some doubts > about Console Manager. > Can you give me your opinions, comments, etc...? I need such info, > since if that one is not the right way, I could: > > Can you help me with your suggestions? >
I don't really know if this is part of your dreams about how Jell remote console will be used but sounds to me as if "remote computer files managing/reviewing for debugging purpose using a far command center would be useful. A bit like some old Win remote computer apps created specially for debugging purposes. With them you could take complete control of foreign computers from your sole desktop machine keyboard - faking the main keyboard of each one of the remote machines to be distant controlled. Is it the main way you planned the Jell remote console to be used or simply like a remote shell ? Regards, Gerard

 [3/3] from: ale870::gmail::com at: 27-Jun-2006 15:34

Good question... I think it should be a good target to create something to replace old apps/protocols like telnet. More: I wanted to create a shell platform independent. More: this program had to be an extension of the current shell programs. I didn't think to debuggers. I'm thinking to a console that let me integrate local PC with remote computers (some future features of Console manager: 1) copy/paste from local to remote (and vice-versa); 2) open 2 remote console in 2 different computers, then copy/paste between them; 3) create and run apps (rebol) on remote pc as you were in your local environment). etc... On 6/26/06, Gerard Cote <> wrote: