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Cgi mode vs Console mode.

 [1/8] from: reboler::bol::com::br at: 10-Sep-2003 6:54

Hi Folks!, Is there any chars that I need to remove inside an URL when I'm using inside a CGI Script? Because, when I read this url below inside a rebol console, it works well, but inside a cgi script, rebol doesn't handle it. site: { .com%2Fscience%3F_ob%3DGatewayURL%26_origin%3DScienceSearch%26_method%3Dcita tionSearch%26_piikey%3DS0740818803000070%26_version%3D1%26_returnURL%3Dhttp% D10%2526ranking%253D1%2526query_1%253Dmetadata%26md5%3Dffbd076a34f97c62e0195 3e423163802&} site: to-url replace/all newline "" read site Inside Rebol console it works, but using a cgi doesn't.. What's the mistery? Any tips? Thanks in advance, --DJ

 [2/8] from: SunandaDH:aol at: 10-Sep-2003 6:18

> site: to-url replace/all newline "" > read site > > Inside Rebol console it works, but using a cgi doesn't.. What's the
mistery? Is it just a typo? site: to-url replace/all SITE newline "" Sunanda.

 [3/8] from: reboler:bol at: 10-Sep-2003 7:34

Hi Sunanda, Sorry, I know that I forgot to put the 'site, but it doesn't work in CGI mode. site: { .com%2Fscience%3F_ob%3DGatewayURL%26_origin%3DScienceSearch%26_method%3Dcita tionSearch%26_piikey%3DS0740818803000070%26_version%3D1%26_returnURL%3Dhttp% D10%2526ranking%253D1%2526query_1%253Dmetadata%26md5%3Dffbd076a34f97c62e0195 3e423163802&} site: to-url replace/all site newline "" read site Using the console it works great!, but using CGI doesn't. Any tips? Thanks in advance. Regards, --DJ

 [4/8] from: AJMartin:orcon at: 10-Sep-2003 23:11

> Using the console it works great!, but using CGI doesn't.
Is the CGI script run using a Rebol executable that runs on a different operating system? :) Andrew J Martin ICQ: 26227169

 [5/8] from: SunandaDH:aol at: 10-Sep-2003 7:27

> Sorry, I know that I forgot to put the 'site, but it doesn't work in CGI > mode
Strange.... It worked as a cgi for me. I did this: site: { .com%2Fscience%3F_ob%3DGatewayURL%26_origin%3DScienceSearch%26_method%3Dcita tionSearch%26_piikey%3DS0740818803000070%26_version%3D1%26_returnURL%3Dhttp% D10%2526ranking%253D1%2526query_1%253Dmetadata%26md5%3Dffbd076a34f97c62e0195 3e423163802&} site: to-url replace/all site newline "" print "Content-type: text/html^/" print read site quit and the page rendered fine. Sunanda.

 [6/8] from: reboler:bol at: 10-Sep-2003 10:07

Hi Sunanda and Andrew, I've tried your script Sunanda, it really worked. I'm running this script on Windows and OpenBSD. The problem I can realize is to get the url, because I get a relative link ./sciruslink/?... and I do a rejoin ["" url] I receive a message like that: Title: Information technology courses and their relationship to faculty in different professional ranks in library and... Author(s):Xu, H. Date: Library and Information Science Research, Jul 2003 Abstract: ...hypertext mark-up language/extensible nark-up language), metadata systems, digital preservation, design and production of multimedia...Indiana University, and University of Missouri-Columbia), metadata systems (e.g., University of Washington and University of North... Url: com%2Fscience%3F_ob%3DGatewayURL%26_origin%3DScienceSearch%26_method%3Dcitat ionSearch%26_piikey%3DS0740818803000070%26_version%3D1%26_returnURL%3Dhttp%2 10%2526ranking%253D1%2526query_1%253Dmetadata%26md5%3Dffbd076a34f97c62e01953 e423163802 Source: Elsevier - ScienceDirect URL LINK After rejoin: 3DcitationSearch%26_piikey%3DS0740818803000070%26_version%3D1%26_returnURL%3 ts%253D10%2526ranking%253D1%2526query_1%253Dmetadata%26md5%3Dffbd076a34f97c6 2e01953e423163802 ** User Error: Error. Target url: %2F30%2F2003&_alid=112366827&_rdoc=1&_fmt=&_orig=search&_qd=1&_cdi=6577&_ sort=d&view=c&_acct=C000050221&_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=10&md5=132c1 bb1ab04c67483ed85a4b2729f5f could not be retrieved. Server response: HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found ** Near: print read urllink Passing the final url, it renders real fine. There is a problem with control chars I think because the url after the rejoin if you query in IE renders fine. Any tips? Thanks in advance, --DJ

 [7/8] from: SunandaDH:aol at: 10-Sep-2003 11:02

> Any tips?
Maybe something to do with the rejoin. This works for me, and I think it parallels the situation you have: site: "" url: {/sciruslink/?src=sd&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.sciencedirect .com%2Fscience%3F_ob%3DGatewayURL%26_origin%3DScienceSearch%26_method%3Dcita tionSearch%26_piikey%3DS0740818803000070%26_version%3D1%26_returnURL%3Dhttp% D10%2526ranking%253D1%2526query_1%253Dmetadata%26md5%3Dffbd076a34f97c62e0195 3e423163802&} full-address: to-url replace/all copy join site url newline "" print "Content-type: text/html^/" print read full-address Note that I've kept site and url as strings until after the replace. Sunanda.

 [8/8] from: antonr:iinet:au at: 11-Sep-2003 1:26

I think you still need to remove newlines after your rejoin. I tried it and got sensible data back. IE probably strips out the newline characters automatically when you paste it into the address bar. Anton.