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Fast-Cgi Test script

 [1/1] from: allenk::powerup::com::au at: 1-Jul-2001 22:20

----- Original Message ----- From: "Petr Krenzelok" <[petr--krenzelok--trz--cz]> To: <[rebol-list--rebol--com]> Cc: <[holger--rebol--com]> Sent: Sunday, July 01, 2001 7:30 AM Subject: [REBOL] possible solution to Command XServer font system ...
> Hi, > > today I was visited by my good friend Henry, who helped me to set-up my
> server under W2K and proved me I am using FastCGI in wrong manner (Windows > Apache doesn't seem to keep my Rebol process persistent in CGI
> mode ;-)
I thought the docs said that compatibility mode doesn't work on Windows. :-( Here is a handy test script for FastCgi from Sterling.
>Save this file as fast-cgi.r and as fast-cgi.fcgi in your cgi-bin/ >dir. Fix the path at the top to point to your REBOL/command binary. >Then just hit it with your web browser. If FastCGI is enabled and >working properly then the FastCGI GET and POST should increment the >counter wihle the other will not. >Sterling
#!/usr/local/bin/rebol-cmd -c REBOL[] get-cgi-data: func [ /local cgi-pars ] [ cgi-pars: either system/options/cgi/request-method = "POST" [ x: make string! 1000 data: make string! 1000 while [0 < read-io system/ports/input clear x 1000] [append data x] data ] [ system/options/cgi/query-string ] if error? try [ return make object! decode-cgi cgi-pars ] [ return none ] ] if error? try [ counter: counter + 1 ] [ counter: 1 ] print rejoin [ "Content-type: text/html" newline ] print rejoin [ "<html><head><title>Fast CGI Test</title></head>" newline "<body>" newline "<p>Our CGI data: " ] probe get-cgi-data print rejoin [ "</p>" newline "<br/>Counter:&nbsp;" counter "&nbsp;(this counter should increment for FastCGI)<br/>" newline {<p><b>SlowCGI</b></p>} newline {<p><form action="/cgi-bin/fast-cgi.r" method="post"> } newline {<input type="hidden" name="aap" value="oink"/>} {<input type="submit" name="ok" value="Post"/>} {</form></p>} {<p><form action="/cgi-bin/fast-cgi.r" method="get"> } newline {<input type="hidden" name="aap" value="oink"/>} {<input type="submit" name="ok" value="Get"/>} {</form></p>} {<p><b>FastCGI</b></p>} newline {<p><form action="/cgi-bin/fast-cgi.fcgi" method="post"> } newline {<input type="hidden" name="aap" value="oink"/>} {<input type="submit" name="ok" value="Post"/>} {</form></p>} {<p><form action="/cgi-bin/fast-cgi.fcgi" method="get"> } newline {<input type="hidden" name="aap" value="oink"/>} {<input type="submit" name="ok" value="Get"/>} {</form></p>} "</body>" newline "</html>" newline ]