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Start in R2 or wait for R3 stable?

 [1/6] from: info:theuxgroup at: 24-Nov-2010 21:16

Hi, Is the code written in R2 usable in R3 or not? For a new project that needs to get done asap, what would be the best approach? When can we expect the stable R3? -Sisir

 [2/6] from: pwawood:gmai:l at: 25-Nov-2010 1:19

Sisir There are some differences between R2 and R3 but much of the code is usable. This article, written by Sunanda, will give you a feel for the type of changes - The more recent releases of R2 have some of the new features of R3 back-ported into them. They go under the name R2/Forward and were written by Brian Hawley. You can read a little about them at You will get many different answers to when we can expect the stable R3. Mine is that in the main the "kernel" of R3 is already quite stable. However, many of the other parts are not stable and not even developed, the GUI and network support for example. Many of these "other parts" are now open-sourced and I perceive that their development is speeding up. This is my view and others will undoubtedly differ. Regards Peter On 24 Nov 2010, at 23:46, The UX Group wrote:

 [3/6] from: info:theuxgroup at: 25-Nov-2010 22:11

Hi Peter, R2/Forward seems like a good alternative for us till R3 is released with the functionality that we need. Thank you for the pointers. This list seems a little passive. Are most Rebels at Altme than here? ;-) -Sisir

 [4/6] from: dhsunanda:g:mail at: 25-Nov-2010 19:14

> Are most Rebels at Altme than here? ;-)
AltME is a lot more active.....But anything asked here is likely to get the attention of all the key people, so the quality here is just as high as AltME. And then there's Stackoverflow for a more structured Q&A format: All these channels have their strengths and their adherents. Sunanda

 [5/6] from: gschwarz:sctelco:au at: 26-Nov-2010 8:02

The mailing list can be quite. One or two responses answer the question, so people like me do not respond. (I only have a few answers...) Greg

 [6/6] from: gregg:pointillistic at: 26-Nov-2010 12:11

Not sure I'm seeing all ML messages, so this may already have been answered. TUG> Is the code written in R2 usable in R3 or not? Yes. Mostly. :) RT decided that the change from R2 to R3 was the time to fix some longstanding issues and make some changes that are not backwards compatible. A lot of code will work, some may need changes, and some may best be rewritten. That also means you can't expect all your scripts to run, unchanged, under both R2 and R3, if you want to deploy both as you transition. TUG> For a new project that needs to get done asap, what would be the TUG> best approach? TUG> When can we expect the stable R3? I don't think anyone can say for sure when R3 will be production ready, but it is the future, and you should evaluate it yourself to decide how mature it is, and how much risk you're willing to accept. -- Gregg