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 [1/3] from: hallvard:ystad:gmai:l at: 10-Aug-2006 1:24

Hi Every time I write encloak "hallvard" "key" in the console, I get the same result: =E3C=F5=D1=F1=E9E=FE Nice. But then I want to see the difference in speed using the /with refinement, and I start with this line: loop 1000000 [encloak "hallvard" "key"] and get this: =E9=AB+=DB]=CD^X" Shouldn't encloak always yield the same result? (Or shouldn't it? It's not well-documented.) HY

 [2/3] from: Izkata:Comcast at: 9-Aug-2006 18:37

Encloak/decloak don't copy the string - that way the original isn't floating around (for security)
>> X: {Hello.}
== "Hello."
>> encloak X {One}
== "7¸^-~^VĪ"

 [3/3] from: hallvard::ystad::gmail::com at: 10-Aug-2006 1:44

You're right, silly me. This way is OK: loop 1000000 [encloak copy "hallvard" "key"] Thanks! HY On 10/08/06, Izkata <> wrote: