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Reading "CSV" data files

 [1/1] from: joel::neely::fedex::com at: 17-Sep-2000 23:27

Below is what I had coded for translating "CSV" files into blocks. Gabriele's feature of supplying the field delimiter was a nice touch, but since CSV is so peculiar anyway, I just special-cased for comma. HOWEVER, I still think that the behavior of parse/all is buggy. The docs say that /all means that all characters are handled simply as data. Therefore:
>> parse/all {"this","is","a ""big"" test!"} ","
== ["this" "is" "a " "big" " test!"]
>> foreach x parse/all {"this","is","a ""big"" test!"} "," [
[ print x] this is a big test!
appears broken to me. Shouldn't the output be a block of just THREE strings: ["this" "is" {a ""big"" test!}] this is a ""big"" test! instead? -jn- ================================================================== REBOL [] readcsv: make object! [ all-records: copy [] one-record: copy [] one-segment: copy "" one-field: copy "" noncomma: complement charset "," nonquote: complement charset {"} segment: [ copy one-segment any nonquote (if found? one-segment [append one-field one-segment]) ] quoted: [ {"} (one-field: copy "") segment any [{""} (append one-field {"}) segment] {"} ] unquoted: [copy one-field any noncomma] field: [[quoted | unquoted] (append one-record one-field)] record: [field any ["," field]] run: func [f [file!] /local line] [ all-records: copy [] foreach line read/lines f [ one-record: copy [] either parse/all line record [ append/only all-records one-record ][ print ["parse failed:" line] ] ] all-records ] ]