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read/custom mime-multipart?

 [1/8] from: dvl::2scale::net at: 8-Jun-2006 12:35

Hello, this is my first posting to the list. I stumbled upon rebol when i was looking for a single-binary deployment language (why: data center automation without proper rights to do the job). rebol/core _seems_ to be nice in this solution. My background: perl, java some lisp & haskell. Im trying to post binary content to a upload servlet as mime-multipart. Actually rebol is used as a smtp local transport in 'exim', extracting the mime attachments from the incoming email (this works) and then uploading them. I found with some helpful pointers, but someone mentioned in the 'altme?' archives that this functionaliy is now part of rebol/core..... But: post-data is a properly http request (correct headers, boundary, base64 encoded binary content, etc.). I use the following call: read/custom url [ 'port post-data ] but it seems that the headers in the post-data are ignored (i see them in the post-body (via snoop), rebol does set some default headers though -- which are not the headers i need). This is more or less the behaviour which is mentioned in the HTML page above. I thought this was fixed? How to control the http-request headers? Different questions? How do i make the pop/imap/mail protocol handlers ssl/tls aware? I know how to establish a ssl/tls connection using a port, but i cant find a way to make the protocol handlers to use these sockets (ports) ... Thanx for any hint! Dirk

 [2/8] from: dvl:2scale at: 8-Jun-2006 12:38

I forgot the actual version used (running on Solaris 5.9 Generic_118558-06 SPARC): REBOL/Core Copyright 1997-2005 REBOL Technologies REBOL is a Trademark of REBOL Technologies All rights reserved. Component: "REBOL Mezzanine Extensions" 1.2.0 (1-Aug-2004/22:34:12) Component: "REBOL Internet Protocols" 1.71.0 (4-Nov-2004/21:08:24) Finger protocol loaded Whois protocol loaded Daytime protocol loaded SMTP protocol loaded ESMTP protocol loaded POP protocol loaded IMAP protocol loaded HTTP protocol loaded FTP protocol loaded NNTP protocol loaded Component: "Command Shell Access" 1.9.0 (3-Jan-2005/21:08:57) Component: "System Port" 1.4.0 (1-Aug-2004/18:58:28) Regards, Dirk

 [3/8] from: gabriele::colellachiara::com at: 8-Jun-2006 18:16

Hi Dirk, On Thursday, June 8, 2006, 12:35:59 PM, you wrote: DV> read/custom url [ 'port post-data ] You can supply additional headers my providing a block after the post-data: read/custom url [post {my post data...} [Content-Type: "text/plain" X-My-Custom-Header: "Anything"]] DV> Different questions? How do i make the pop/imap/mail protocol handlers DV> ssl/tls aware? I know how to establish a ssl/tls connection using a DV> port, but i cant find a way to make the protocol handlers to use these DV> sockets (ports) ... The handlers don't support it directly, although it probably wouldn't be too hard to add. Maybe someone would like to play with this? I'll keep this in mind for REBOL 3. Regards, Gabriele. -- Gabriele Santilli <> --- Colella Chiara software division ---

 [4/8] from: compkarori::gmail::com at: 9-Jun-2006 14:55

Hi Dirk, On 6/8/06, Dirk Vleugels <> wrote:
> I found > with some helpful pointers, but someone mentioned in the 'altme?' > archives that this functionaliy is now part of rebol/core.....
I wrote that 3 years ago .. I think Rebol has progressed since then! But I've not had the need again since that time to check this functionality out.
> Different questions? How do i make the pop/imap/mail protocol handlers > ssl/tls aware? I know how to establish a ssl/tls connection using a > port, but i cant find a way to make the protocol handlers to use these > sockets (ports) ... >
You'll need the Command version of Rebol for Solaris if you want to use SSL ... and that is one of the commercial versions. You'll need SSL if you want to get your POP mail from Gmail ... I've mentioned this to Carl asking whether SSL can be freed up for the free versions, and he has indicated that this may be considered. -- Graham Chiu

 [5/8] from: dvl:2scale at: 9-Jun-2006 8:27

Hi, On 6/8/06, Gabriele Santilli <> wrote:
> You can supply additional headers my providing a block after the > post-data: > > read/custom url [post {my post data...} [Content-Type: "text/plain" X-My-Custom-Header: "Anything"]]
Excellent. I will test this today. Is this documented somewhere? I thought i skimmed most of the available documents ... Regards, Dirk

 [6/8] from: dvl:2scale at: 9-Jun-2006 8:41

On 6/9/06, Graham Chiu <> wrote:
> You'll need the Command version of Rebol for Solaris if you want to > use SSL ... and that is one of the commercial versions.
Oh, i didn't realize.
> You'll need SSL if you want to get your POP mail from Gmail ... I've > mentioned this to Carl asking whether SSL can be freed up for the free > versions, and he has indicated that this may be considered.
I need ssl/tls for personal experiments only, and OSX (my desktop/laptop of choice lately) is not supported anyways (says It also mentions Oracle8 support. I upgraded the last oracle8 installation to at least a long time ago: does the driver work for 9.2+ (maybe 10g+)? Do i read the licence correct: even if i buy a command license im restricted to a single installation/cpu? So for every customer machine i need a additional license? Anyways, thanx for the answers! Cheers, Dirk

 [7/8] from: compkarori:gm:ail at: 9-Jun-2006 19:16

If you wish to distribute an application for some customers of yours, they'll need a command license for each pc. So, it would be better to get sdk/command and distribute an encapped binary instead which is free of this licensing restriction. On 6/9/06, Dirk Vleugels <> wrote:
> Do i read the licence correct: even if i buy a command license im > restricted to a single installation/cpu? So for every customer machine > i need a additional license? >
-- Graham Chiu

 [8/8] from: gabriele::colellachiara::com at: 9-Jun-2006 9:51

Hi Dirk, On Friday, June 9, 2006, 8:41:33 AM, you wrote: DV> Do i read the licence correct: even if i buy a command license im DV> restricted to a single installation/cpu? So for every customer machine DV> i need a additional license? You'd need the SDK (SDK/Command if you need Oracle and SSL), that allows you to create standalone executables that you can distribute to your customers etc. An early version of the OSX SDK is in testing. Regards, Gabriele. -- Gabriele Santilli <> --- Colella Chiara software division ---