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setting environment variables

 [1/3] from: scott:jaderholm at: 29-Aug-2002 17:01

Librarian comment

It is now possible to set an environment variable by calling a command line function. The call function is now available in REBOL/Core. It is documented at REBOL Command Shell Interface 

Getting an environment variable is completely another matter.

Hi, Is there a way in REBOL/Core to set an environment variable? I want to set TZ so I can easily get the time and date of various places around the world. Sincerely, Scott

 [2/3] from: greggirwin:mindspring at: 29-Aug-2002 17:25

Hi Scott, << Is there a way in REBOL/Core to set an environment variable? I want to set TZ so I can easily get the time and date of various places around the world. >> Not in Core. With Command or View/Pro, I just whacked this up. lib: load/library %msvcrt.dll get-env: make routine! [ varname [string!] return: [string!] ] lib "getenv" put-env: make routine! [ env-string [string!] return: [integer!] ] lib "_putenv" remove-env-var: func [name [string!]] [put-env join name "="] tz-set: make routine! [ return: [integer!] ] lib "_tzset" print get-env "path" print get-env "lib" print get-env "temp" print get-env "test" if 0 <> put-env "test=blah" [ print "error writing environment variable" ] print get-env "test" print get-env "TZ" tz-set free lib halt HTH! --Gregg

 [3/3] from: greggirwin::mindspring::com at: 29-Aug-2002 17:50

Scott, I should note that this is a Windows solution, not cross platform. --Gregg