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ANN: make-doc-pro 1.0.1

 [1/2] from: robert::muench::robertmuench::de at: 4-Dec-2001 21:53

Hi, I finally made it and can tell you that make-doc-pro version 1.0.1 has been released. This is quite a step from the previous version, at least concerning the internals. As I'm including some of my generic functions, I now used Carl's build-pack.r script to create a distribution. Well, make-doc-pro is now only 8KB ;-)) The drawback is that you can't have a look at the source code without tweaking. But hey, it's complicated anyway ;-)). What has changed? Quite a lot, here are some of the bug fixes: - inline markup characters at the beginning of the line didn't work - using # with and without <newlines> reseted the counter - If the user changed the directory when using the file-selection browser and selected a source file which contains an =include statement, the include wasn't executed relativ to the source-file instead it was executed relativ to the make-doc-pro (startin direcotry). Result was the include file couldn't be found. - Some HTML cleanup - You can now use inline markup characters inside tables etc. - You can now use bullets inside a table cell (beta not working complete) - Using a bold text as last entry in a tablecell created wrong code ...|*this wouldn't have worked* - A lot of table quirks fixed And these are the new features: - The file selector now stays open, so can continue to use make-doc-pro without a restart - Added (again) starting of the browser for viewing translation results (UPS I think I missed this one as my developversion doesn't use it...) - You can now change the delta used for indention: indentdelta - Debug mode for parser can be turned on =options debug - You can split table cells with |<newline> if you have longer texts - Tables now support a header use \table header and the first row of the table will be used as header - Added support for striked text use --striketext-- inside pragraph text - Added support for horizontal bars, use =- or =-- etc. the number of - will specify the thickness of the bar in points As always, the rest can be found at my homepage. Have fun. -- Robert M. Münch IT & Management Freelancer Mobile: +49 (0)177 2452 802 Fax : +49 (0)721 8408 9112 Web :

 [2/2] from: jasonic:panix at: 4-Dec-2001 16:12

Robert M. Muench <[robert--muench--robertmuench--de]> wrote:
> Hi, I finally made it and can tell you that make-doc-pro version 1.0.1 has
> released. This is quite a step from the previous version, at least
> the internals.
Sounds like solid progress on all fronts. Thank you very much! ./Jason