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blocks in and out function !

 [1/4] from: olivier:flauzac:univ-reims at: 8-Jan-2002 20:07

Hi ! I'm try to developpe some rebol code, and I have a little problem : When I do the following code in the rebol console, everything is OK the last append instruction append 4 to the empty block following 1 ----------------------------------------------- gr: [] == []
>> append gr 1
== [1]
>> append/only gr []
== [1 []]
>> append gr 2
== [1 [] 2]
>> append/only gr []
== [1 [] 2 []]
>> append select gr 1 4
== [4]
>> :gr
== [1 [4] 2 []] ------------------------------------------------- now if I write the following functions I obtain a totally different result : 4 is append to all empty blocks !! ---------------------------------------------------
>> addNode: make function! [g n][
[ append g n [ append/only g [] [ ]
>> addLink: make function![g n v][
[ append select g n v [ ]
>> gr: []
== []
>> addNode gr 1
== [1 []]
>> addNode gr 2
== [1 [] 2 []]
>> addLink gr 1 4
== [4]
>> :gr
== [1 [4] 2 [4]] ----------------------------------------- I solved that problem by replacing the line "append/only g []" by append/only g make block! [] . With that modification It works ! Could anyone give me an explaination ? Why the second code do not behave like the first one ? Best Olivier Flauzac

 [2/4] from: joel::neely::fedex::com at: 8-Jan-2002 13:42

Hi, Olivier, Welcome to REBOL! You've encountered the First Koan of REBOL! Olivier Flauzac wrote:
> Hi ! > I'm try to developpe some rebol code, and I have a little problem :
<<quoted lines omitted: 41>>
> Could anyone give me an explaination ? Why the second code > do not behave like the first one ?
The short answer is that [] inside a function does not translate into a request for an empty block to be created, but rather *IS* a block which is initialized as empty when the function is defined. Subsequent modifications to the block are retained, because REBOL does not make a distinction between code and data. A longer answer, by way of analogy, considers the following:
>> myword: "?" == "?" >> thing: [myword: []] == [myword: []] >> do thing == [] >> append myword "What?" == ["What?"] >> thing == [myword: ["What?"]]
The second line above sets THING to a "literal" block which contains two values, a SET-WORD! value and a BLOCK! value (initially empty, by the way). The third line evaluates the block referred to by THING. As a result, MYWORD now refers to the second element of THING. The fourth line appends something to the block referred to by MYWORD. Since this *IS* the second element of THING, the fifth line shows that both references to that block (through MYWORD and through the second element of THING) both "see" the change. If you're at all familiar with LISP, I can say simply that REBOL defaults to structure sharing. HTH! -jn-

 [3/4] from: greggirwin:mindspring at: 8-Jan-2002 13:13

Hi Olivier, << I solved that problem by replacing the line "append/only g []" by append/only g make block! [] . With that modification It works ! Could anyone give me an explaination ? Why the second code do not behave like the first one ? >> The empty blocks you are appending are referencing the *same* empty block. REBOL words and values don't work exactly like variables in many other languages. If you want a word to reference a unique, unshared, value, you can use COPY to make a copy of an empty string or block. E.g. addNode: make function! [g n][ append g n append/only g copy [] ] Here's a simple example. 'a and 'b both reference the same empty block, so when I modify 'a, the value referenced by 'b is also seen to change.
>> a: b: []
== []
>> append a 1
== [1]
>> b
== [1] If I give each of them a copy of an empty block, they are not referencing the same value anymore:
>> a: copy []
== []
>> b: copy []
== []
>> append a 1
== [1]
>> b
== [] Hope that helps! --Gregg

 [4/4] from: al:bri:xtra at: 9-Jan-2002 9:25

Just to clear things up a little:
>> a: b: []
== [] 'a and 'b point to the same block.
>> a: []
== []
>> b: []
== [] 'a and 'b point to different blocks, because the first "[]" is different from the second "[]" (they're on different lines. In this function: f: does [ [] ] 'f always returns the same block. In this function: g: does [ make block! [] ] 'g returns a new block every time that is based on the contents of the [] block. Andrew Martin ICQ: 26227169

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