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How-to: create and use fields / Typos Report

 [1/6] from: coussement:c:js:mil:be at: 8-Jun-2001 10:45

Hi: I found some typos in the doc: In Point 1: REBL [...] should become - IMHO ;-) - REBOL [...] In Point 3.1: if not find/match value "http://" [*append* value "http://"] *browser* to-url value should become: if not find/match value "http://" [insert value "http://"] browse to-url value otherwise you should get weird results... BTW, this doc is like the other ones: clear, readable, easy to understand, and giving enough knowledge to work with efficiency. In one word: beautiful ... And I did truly enjoy my reading. Thanks and CU, chr==

 [2/6] from: coussement:c:js:mil:be at: 8-Jun-2001 11:00

Hi: I just try to generate the doc based on: but the result isn't as expected, as there is no layout set after the *=view* tags. CU, chr==

 [3/6] from: depotcity::telus::net at: 8-Jun-2001 1:52

Please ignore my last post. ----- Original Message ----- From: "CRS - Psy Sel/SPO, COUSSEMENT, Christophe, CPN" <[COUSSEMENT--C--js--mil--be]>

 [4/6] from: depotcity:telus at: 8-Jun-2001 1:49

In the same doc the following is wrong... Don't forget to type the HTTP:// part. You could check for it within the block and add it if necessary. field [ if not find/match value "http://" [append value "http://"] browser to-url value ] ----- Original Message ----- From: "CRS - Psy Sel/SPO, COUSSEMENT, Christophe, CPN" <[COUSSEMENT--C--js--mil--be]>

 [5/6] from: jseq:mediaone at: 8-Jun-2001 9:50

My version of make-spec.r displayed this behavior until I moved the script to the same directory as the text file. Then the images (which were being created in a graphics dir relative to the script, not the text file) showed up correctly. John Sequeira 6/8/01 5:00:03 AM, "CRS - Psy Sel/SPO, COUSSEMENT, Christophe, CPN" <[COUSSEMENT--C--js--mil--be]> wrote:

 [6/6] from: coussement:c:js:mil:be at: 11-Jun-2001 10:09

thanks. i just read again "the makespec document formatter", and i think my first reading was to fast: the layout example must precede the *=view* tag and not follow as I stated. sorry for the confusion ;-) CU, chr==