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rugby type thing

 [1/1] from: ryancole::usa::com at: 26-May-2001 3:01

Hey Maarten, Here is that script I mentioned the other day that you wanted to see. It works somewhat, still buggy--very much a work in progress and nothing fancy. Still needs a port handling report system, to get reports (returned data) back without waiting around. One neet idea I was implementing was named orders so you can tell the incoming reports apart, as you could be getting many back at the same time, same port. Contrary to some the comments, there is no serial capability. anyways here it is: REBOL [ Title: "CAPN Command Accessable Parallel Net" Description: { An instance of REBOL evaluates scripts sent by another instance. Since the script communicates tcp or serial, the instances can be located on another machine. } Usage: { start rebol on two systems with tcp connectivity and do %capn.r >> comply tcp://:6666 >> order tcp:// [ 1000 + 999 ] == 1999 >> } ] capn: make object! [ comply: function [ Evaluates orders. listen-url [url!] "TCP or Serial port to listen on." ] [ error header rv ; return value ] [ serving-port: open listen-url forever [ connected-port: first serving-port header: copy [] until [ (copy header) = append header load get-line connected-port ] probe header: make object! header if header/reconnect [ close connected-port ] if error? rv: try [ mold assume-nothing do load copy/part connected-port header/size ] [ error: true rv: mold disarm rv ] reply: rejoin [ size: length? rv "^/" error: error "^/" throw: none "^/" name: header/name "^/" type: 'report^/ ^/ rv ] either header/reconnect [ reply-port: open header/report-to insert reply-port reply close reply-port ] [ insert connected-port reply close connected-port ] ] ] order: function [ Send instruction to complying host. order-url [url!] "TCP or Serial URL" data "Data to evaluate" /no-wait "Dont wait for a reply" ] [ rv ] [ sending-port: open order-url data: mold data insert sending-port rejoin [ size: length? data "^/" type: 'order^/ catch: no^/ name: rv: now "^/" reconnect: no^/ ^/ data ] if not no-wait [ rv: process-report sending-port ] close sending-port rv ] ;decide how to wait and no-wait on incoming reports read-reports: func [ in-port ] [ process-report in-port ] process-report: function [ sending-port [port!] ] [ ] [ connection: wait [sending-port] header: copy [] until [ (copy header) = append header load get-line connection ] ; cheezy header: make object! header rv: load copy/part connection header/size either probe header/error [ probe header error: do rv make error! reform [ *** Could not comply with your order.^/ *** error/type error occured.^/ *** Near: error/near ^/ *** Where: error/where ^/ ] ] [ rv ] ] get-line: function [ Returns a line from a port. conn [port!] ] [ line ] [ line: copy "" until [ append line this-char: first conn #"^/" = this-char ] line ] assume-nothing: func [ if argument is unset! returns none, otherwise returns argument. argument [unset! any-type!] ] [ either value? 'argument [ argument ] [ none ] ] ] The following is an advertisement, and does not necessarily reflect the viewpoint of the author: