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view creates "public" folder each time on windows

 [1/23] from: semseddinm::bircom::com at: 29-Dec-2008 11:47

Hi, Is there a way to prevent View to create "public" folder in the script's directory when I double-clicked a .r file?

 [2/23] from: nick::guitarz::org at: 29-Dec-2008 12:07

A previous thread about this topic is at: But in Windows Vista, the ability to change view/open/edit command line options was removed from the default Windows app that handles file associations (grrr!). Using regedit, you can change those options in HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.TXT and HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\REBOL.Script\shell\View\command (and ...\Open\command ...\Edit\command). On my machine, right clicking and selecting "Open With" -> "REBOL/View System" also eliminates the creation "public" folders. HTH :) Quoting "?emseddin Moldibi [ Bircom ]" <>:

 [3/23] from: semseddinm:bircom at: 31-Dec-2008 12:02

Unfortunately it doesn't work; I started my script by, rebol.exe -i -q -v voip.r but it always create "public" folder in the script directory. I'm using View 2.7.6 on WinXP Pro.

 [4/23] from: santilli:gabriele:gmai:l at: 31-Dec-2008 11:48

T24gV2VkLCBEZWMgMzEsIDIwMDggYXQgMTE6MDIgQU0sIMWeZW1zZWRkaW4gTW9sZGliaSBbIEJp cmNvbSBdCjxzZW1zZWRkaW5tQGJpcmNvbS5jb20+IHdyb3RlOgoKPiBVbmZvcnR1bmF0ZWx5IGl0 IGRvZXNuJ3Qgd29yazsKPiBJIHN0YXJ0ZWQgbXkgc2NyaXB0IGJ5LAo+Cj4gcmVib2wuZXhlIC1p IC1xIC12IHZvaXAucgoKLi4ud2hpY2ggbWFrZXMgbWUgdGhpbmsgb2Ygc29tZXRoaW5nOiBkaWQg eW91IHRyeSB1c2luZyB0aGUgZnVsbCBwYXRoCnRvIFJFQk9MPyBFZy4KCiAgIEM6XFBhdGhcdG9c cmVib2wuZXhlIHZvaXAucgoKSFRILAogICAgR2FicmllbGUuCg==

 [5/23] from: petr:krenzelok:seznam:cz at: 31-Dec-2008 11:59

Şemseddin Moldibi [ Bircom ] napsal(a):
> Unfortunately it doesn't work; > I started my script by, > > rebol.exe -i -q -v voip.r > > but it always create "public" folder in the script directory. > I'm using View 2.7.6 on WinXP Pro. >
my observation is, that running for e.g. rebol.exe -si my-script.r helps the case. But - you probably don't want to lower your security, right? Other option is to delete the directory (which is empty here) when you quit your script, as some kind of clean-up. -pekr-

 [6/23] from: petr:krenzelok:seznam:cz at: 31-Dec-2008 12:02

Gabriele Santilli napsal(a):
> T24gV2VkLCBEZWMgMzEsIDIwMDggYXQgMTE6MDIgQU0sIMWeZW1zZWRkaW4gTW9sZGliaSBbIEJp > cmNvbSBdCjxzZW1zZWRkaW5tQGJpcmNvbS5jb20+IHdyb3RlOgoKPiBVbmZvcnR1bmF0ZWx5IGl0 > IGRvZXNuJ3Qgd29yazsKPiBJIHN0YXJ0ZWQgbXkgc2NyaXB0IGJ5LAo+Cj4gcmVib2wuZXhlIC1p > IC1xIC12IHZvaXAucgoKLi4ud2hpY2ggbWFrZXMgbWUgdGhpbmsgb2Ygc29tZXRoaW5nOiBkaWQg > eW91IHRyeSB1c2luZyB0aGUgZnVsbCBwYXRoCnRvIFJFQk9MPyBFZy4KCiAgIEM6XFBhdGhcdG9c > cmVib2wuZXhlIHZvaXAucgoKSFRILAogICAgR2FicmllbGUuCg>
I am used to complain at Gabriele's messages, but now I am at my ends :-) -pekr-

 [7/23] from: rcm:formix:au at: 31-Dec-2008 22:03

Dear =C5=9Eemseddin Moldibi, This is still bugging me too, so if you have any luck, please let me know. I recently asked this question in the list ... to which Nick Antonaccio referred you. Cheers, Rosemary On Wed, 31 Dec 2008 21:02:52 +1100, =C5=9Eemseddin Moldibi [ Bircom ] <> wrote:
> Unfortunately it doesn't work; > I started my script by, > > rebol.exe -i -q -v voip.r > > but it always create "public" folder in the script directory. > I'm using View 2.7.6 on WinXP Pro.
-- message ends

 [8/23] from: henrikmk::gmail::com at: 31-Dec-2008 12:04 I'm not even sure it's possible to avoid creating the public folder, as it's been a wish for a long time. -- Regards, Henrik Mikael Kristensen

 [9/23] from: nick:guitarz at: 31-Dec-2008 7:26

Has anyone else confirmed this: 1) right click the .r file 2) select "Open With" -> "REBOL/View System" It works for me on Windows Vista. Quoting Henrik Mikael Kristensen <>:

 [10/23] from: nick:guitarz at: 31-Dec-2008 7:30

So that makes me wonder, what's the difference between "Open" and Open With in Windows, and how do I get the "Open With" behavior to happen by default. Any ideas? Quoting Henrik Mikael Kristensen <>:

 [11/23] from: nick::guitarz::org at: 31-Dec-2008 7:30

So that makes me wonder, what's the difference between "Open" and Open With in Windows, and how do I get the "Open With" behavior to happen by default. Any ideas? Quoting Henrik Mikael Kristensen <>:

 [12/23] from: ptretter::hotmail at: 31-Dec-2008 10:18

Open With allows you to open a file with an alternative application. This can be done temporarily or you have the option when using "Open With" to set the alternative application as the default "Open" application. Paul Tretter

 [13/23] from: gregg:pointillistic at: 31-Dec-2008 9:43

HMK> I'm not even sure it's possible to avoid creating the public HMK> folder, as it's been a wish for a long time. It only affects certain versions, though, correct? I know there was a period where the official release did it, and I ended up with a ton of %public/ folders all over the place, but that was a while back. It's related to user settings being in a different location, and if REBOL doesn't have a home dir set, it uses the current dir. Or my memory may be making things up for me. :) -- Gregg

 [14/23] from: nick:guitarz at: 31-Dec-2008 9:41

I understand the use, but somehow when REBOL scripts are run using right click -> "Open With", the "public" folders aren't created (in Vista). When scripts are simply double clicked and run using REBOL as the default application, the "public" directories are created, even with rebol.exe's default command line options set to -si. This makes me think that different default directories are used when using "Open With". There's gotta be a registry setting to change that default behaviour... Quoting Paul Tretter <>:

 [15/23] from: gregg:pointillistic at: 31-Dec-2008 10:55

Hi Nick, NA> This makes me think that different default directories are used NA> when using "Open With". There's gotta be a registry setting to NA> change that default behaviour... See what is in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\FileExts\.r\OpenWithList -- Gregg

 [16/23] from: nick:guitarz at: 31-Dec-2008 10:26

rebol.exe Quoting Gregg Irwin <>:

 [17/23] from: gregg::pointillistic::com at: 31-Dec-2008 11:59

Hi Nick,
>> See what is in >> HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\FileExts\.r\OpenWithList
NA> "rebol.exe" If you put that under the regular shell commands, does it work? I don't know the details, or why it would behave differently if you have a full path and switches (which I do here for default use), but it's easy enough to test. -- Gregg

 [18/23] from: nick::guitarz::org at: 1-Jan-2009 18:02

Aha! Looks like one didn't have the full path, and one did. Thanks Gregg :) Quoting Gregg Irwin <>:

 [19/23] from: btiffin::rogers::com at: 2-Jan-2009 0:36

Just so everyone on the list knows, the following was posted to user.r Formal on the REBOL3 Altme world. Let it be known: As my role as Secretary of user.r, the International REBOL User Association, it with great honour that I hereby announce that Ashley G Tr=FCter is named the 2008 user.r rebol Of The Year. Congratulations Ashley for the well deserved honour and the members of user=2Er would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your contributions, both personal and professional, to the world of REBOL development. =46or those that may not know, Ashley is the author of many great software frameworks including RebGUI, RebDB and a SQLite driver. He consistently displays a level of kind professionalism that makes him more than worthy to receive the first ever rebol of the year award. Cheers mate. Brian Tiffin user.r Secretary

 [20/23] from: semseddinm:bircom at: 2-Jan-2009 10:29

On WinXP Open and Open With gives same result, both way view creates public folder. I created a HOME environment variable to point the rebol.exe file in program files, as adviced in rebol document, but same result. And I captured some logs using FileMonitor and PorcessMonitor from SystemInternals, rebol.exe first tries to open public folder, then create it, then loads the user.r from the installation path, then loads the script.

 [21/23] from: santilli::gabriele::gmail::com at: 2-Jan-2009 11:58

W1JlcG9zdCB3aXRoIGRpZmZlcmVudCBtYWlsZXIgc2V0dGluZ3NdCgpPbiBXZWQsIERlYyAzMSwg MjAwOCBhdCAxMTowMiBBTSwgqmVtc2VkZGluIE1vbGRpYmkgWyBCaXJjb20gXQo8c2Vtc2VkZGlu bUBiaXJjb20uY29tPiB3cm90ZToKCj4gVW5mb3J0dW5hdGVseSBpdCBkb2Vzbid0IHdvcms7Cj4g SSBzdGFydGVkIG15IHNjcmlwdCBieSwKPgo+IHJlYm9sLmV4ZSAtaSAtcSAtdiB2b2lwLnIKCi4u LndoaWNoIG1ha2VzIG1lIHRoaW5rIG9mIHNvbWV0aGluZzogZGlkIHlvdSB0cnkgdXNpbmcgdGhl IGZ1bGwgcGF0aAp0byBSRUJPTD8gRWcuCgogIEM6XFBhdGhcdG9ccmVib2wuZXhlIHZvaXAucgoK SFRILAogICBHYWJyaWVsZS4K

 [22/23] from: semseddinm::bircom::com at: 2-Jan-2009 14:29

Gabriele, your messages looks base64 encoded :) If someone who wants to read the msg; Put it in a variable t as: T: 64#{...} ;then Probe to-string t Btw, when I run my script from msdos like: C:\Program Files\rebol\view>rebol.exe "C:\Documents and Settings\semseddinm\Desktop\Tests.r" Then View doesn't create public folder, but ofcourse I want to double-click a script to start it, not from the dos. View doesn't change the current directory to its image path ("C:\Program Files\rebol\view" in my case) so it can't find the public folder. I guess this should be handled by the View if it is installed.

 [23/23] from: semseddinm::bircom::com at: 5-Jan-2009 9:26

Unfortunately there is no "current directory" option in file association window on Windows. It has such an option just in Shortcut (link) items, but then we need to create shortcut for each script. Thanks a lot for the replies, I guess we should live with "public" folders for a while. Regards,