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 [1/5] from: webmaster:starforge at: 27-Oct-2000 19:06

Hi, Is there a script anywhere that does a similar job to Java's javadoc tool, something that picks up special comments in a script and uses them to make HTML documentation? I realise that Rebol code is supposed to be self documenting, but it would make development of large packages of scripts easier if there was a way to automagicaly export documentation comments for functions in the script to a well structured document.. Chris -- New sig in the works Explorer 2260, Designer and Coder -- Tact, n.: The unsaid part of what you're thinking.

 [2/5] from: joel:neely:fedex at: 27-Oct-2000 13:43

Hi, Chris, I don't know off-hand of an HTML-speaking version, but HELP does something similar in plain text...
>> glomp: func [
[ {Snorkle the arguments and return their frammish} [ a [number! any-block!] "the leveraged blodginator" [ b [date! logic! char!] "the particulated fnurdlitch" [ ][ [ ; obscure details omitted [ ]
>> ? glomp
USAGE: GLOMP a b DESCRIPTION: Snorkle the arguments and return their frammish GLOMP is a function value. ARGUMENTS: a -- the leveraged blodginator (Type: number any-block) b -- the particulated fnurdlitch (Type: date logic char) and you can use source help to look at how it obtains all that information. It shouldn't be too hard to make a variation that emitted HTML. -jn- [rebol-bounce--rebol--com] wrote:
> Hi, > Is there a script anywhere that does a similar job to Java's
<<quoted lines omitted: 16>>
> [rebol-request--rebol--com] with "unsubscribe" in the > subject, without the quotes.
-- ; Joel Neely [joel--neely--fedex--com] 901-263-4460 38017/HKA/9677 REBOL [] do [ do func [s] [ foreach [a b] s [prin b] ] sort/skip do function [s] [t] [ t: "" foreach [a b] s [repend t [b a]] t ] { | e s m!zauafBpcvekexEohthjJakwLrngohOqrlryRnsctdtiub} 2 ]

 [3/5] from: jeff:rebol at: 27-Oct-2000 10:57

> Is there a script anywhere that does a similar job to > Java's "javadoc" tool, something that picks up special
<<quoted lines omitted: 4>>
> automagicaly export documentation comments for functions in > the script to a well structured document..
Howdy, Chris: Here's a script I use: REBOL [ Title: "Doc Script" Purpose: { If you have a number of REBOL source files that just contain a bunch of functions this script will print out help for all those functions. You can capture output with ECHO. } ] help-funcs: func [ src [string!] /local item ][ until [ set [item src] load/next src if set-word? :item [ print [uppercase form :item newline] do compose [ help (to-word :item)] print "^/====================================^/" ] any [none? src tail? src] ] ] s-files: [%file1.r %file2.r] foreach file s-files [ do file help-funcs read file ]

 [4/5] from: chris:starforge at: 27-Oct-2000 20:53

#27-Oct-00# Message from *Joel Neely*: Hi Joel,
> Hi, Chris, > I don't know off-hand of an HTML-speaking version, but HELP does something > similar in plain text... <snip>
Ah, guess I didn't make it too clear what I was after. I knew about help (although I didn't know I could get at the source.. that could come in handy) but it doesn't do quite as much as I'd want. Javadoc scans java sources for comments that start with "/**", using the comments and special tags to construct documents for the source fairly similar in apperance and layout to the full the API spec at What I'm looking for is something that scans Rebol sources and uses the information in the header and comments in the code to construct similar documentation for a file. Guess I'll have to get hold of the script parsing examples from the library and see if I can work out how to implement something (I must need my head seeing too for this...) Chris -- New sig in the works Explorer 2260, Designer and Coder -- User n.: Unfortunate side effect of programming. Solution: Axe job.

 [5/5] from: webmaster:starforge at: 27-Oct-2000 20:58

#27-Oct-00# Message from *Joel Neely*: Hi Joel, .. don't know if this got through, I've been having fun with the rebol list server :/
> Hi, Chris, > I don't know off-hand of an HTML-speaking version, but HELP does something > similar in plain text... <snip>
Ah, guess I didn't make it too clear what I was after. I knew about help (although I didn't know I could get at the source.. that could come in handy) but it doesn't do quite as much as I'd want. Javadoc scans java sources for comments that start with "/**", using the comments and special tags to construct documents for the source fairly similar in apperance and layout to the full the API spec at What I'm looking for is something that scans Rebol sources and uses the information in the header and comments in the code to construct similar documentation for a file. Guess I'll have to get hold of the script parsing examples from the library and see if I can work out how to implement something (I must need my head seeing too for this...) Chris -- New sig in the works Explorer 2260, Designer and Coder -- User n.: Unfortunate side effect of programming. Solution: Axe job.

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