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Problems with open/direct/binary

 [1/3] from: hugues:moisy:geosignal at: 23-Dec-2002 17:15

Hi all, I've a problem with the /direct refinement in 'open. I just want to read a binary file (dbase in this case). It worked fine for a time and suddenly when i launched my program in view, this error occured, and accurs again and again. ** Script Error: open has no refinement called direct ** Where: getfields ** Near: dbff: open/direct/binary do rejoin ["%/" psource ".dbf"]
when i do this directly in the console, it works fine (as before) ? Anyone knows what happens ? If i reboot it doesn't change anything ! Thanks. Hugues.

 [2/3] from: sunandadh::aol::com at: 23-Dec-2002 11:26

> Anyone knows what happens
is it possible that somewhere else in the script you have redefined 'open? eg: open: %my-file instead of open my-file Check with source -- an unmodifed 'open should look like:
>> source open
open: native [ "Opens a new port connection." spec [file! url! port! object! block!] /binary "Preserves contents exactly." /string "Translates all line terminators." /direct "Opens the port without buffering." /new "Creates a file. (Need not already exist.)" /read "Read only. Disables write operations." /write "Write only. Disables read operations." /no-wait "Returns immediately without waiting if no data." /lines "Handles data as lines." /with "Specifies alternate line termination." end-of-line [char! string!] /allow "Specifies the protection attributes when created." access [block!] /mode "Block of above refinements." args [block!] /custom "Allows special refinements." params [block!] /skip "Skips a number of bytes." length [number!] ] Sunanda.

 [3/3] from: hugues:moisy:geosignal at: 24-Dec-2002 9:40

Thanks Sunanda, I've found that I changed a function's name just before from "new" to open . It was just that. Regards. And Merry Christmas, where you are. :=) Hugues.