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Skinz 0.2 Volume Control (The follow along tutorial :)

 [1/3] from: tbrownell:shaw:ca at: 26-Feb-2002 1:15

Ok, need a slider that provides a value of 0 on the bottom, to 255 on the top. Once the slider stops moving, must fill in n below and make this call... send-message winamp-hwnd WM_USER n 122 Realtime thing happening here, if the slider moves, then the new value is sent. How often would/should it update.. my guess is, of course, when the value is different. But with a slider it makes many incremental changes.. can each be sent via "SendMessage"? TB

 [2/3] from: greggirwin:mindspring at: 26-Feb-2002 9:39

Hi Terry, << Ok, need a slider that provides a value of 0 on the bottom, to 255 on the top. Once the slider stops moving, must fill in n below and make this call... send-message winamp-hwnd WM_USER n 122 >> map-slider-to-value: func [ "Converts a slider value between 0 and 1 to a value within a range." value [number!] "A value between 0 and 1." min-val [number!] "The minimum range value (if value = 0)." max-val [number!] "The maximum range value (if value = 1)." ][ max-val - min-val * value + min-val ] map-value-to-slider: func [ "Converts a value within a range to a slider value between 0 and 1." value [number!] "A value between min-val and max-val." min-val [number!] "The minimum range value. Equals a slider value of 0." max-val [number!] "The maximum range value. Equals a slider value of 1." ][ value - min-val / (max-val - min-val) ] view layout [ sld-vol: slider [ vol-val: to-integer map-slider-to-value sld-vol/data 255 1 print vol-val ] ] You can use map-value-to-slider to preset the slider to the correct position if you can read the current volume setting from WinAmp. sld-vol/data: map-value-to-slider vol-current-value 255 1 --Gregg

 [3/3] from: greggirwin::mindspring::com at: 26-Feb-2002 12:17

Ooops, You said 0 to 255 and I posted sample values of 1 to 255. --Gregg