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RES: Re: RES: Re: Divide a file

 [1/2] from: castellani-cpt::itautec-philco::com::br at: 10-Dec-2003 16:59

Hi Carlos I'm a newbie in Rebol... Well, I do something with cgi but never do something like an .r file to distribute. In Rebol/Core I do: do %fsplit.r fsplit system/script/path/arquivo.asd "asdfile" 1024 And it's works... but I don't know how I can do it in a command prompt line. Can you talk to me how I can do it, please ? Many thanks... -----Mensagem original----- De: [rebol-bounce--rebol--com] [mailto:[rebol-bounce--rebol--com]]Em nome de Carlos Lorenz Enviada em: quarta-feira, 10 de dezembro de 2003 14:14 Para: [rebol-list--rebol--com]; Marcelo Fontes Castellani Assunto: [REBOL] Re: RES: Re: Divide a file Marcelo I guess once your client has REBOL/Core he/she can invoke it passing your script as an argument in command line. Just create a batch file to do it Carlos Lorenz

 [2/2] from: nitsch-lists:netcologne at: 10-Dec-2003 23:03

Am Mittwoch 10 Dezember 2003 20:59 schrieb Marcelo Fontes Castellani:
> Hi Carlos > I'm a newbie in Rebol... Well, I do something with cgi but never do
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> And it's works... but I don't know how I can do it in a command prompt > line. Can you talk to me how I can do it, please ?
You find the scripts args in system/options/args ; splitted by the os for {"} etc. so files with spaces ok system/script/args ; the while commandline as-is. a quick way i often use is: as last command do system/script/args then i can call it like rebol %fscript.r fsplit system/script/path/arquivo.asd "asdfile" 1024 (in this case there may be trouble because of shel-parsing and {"}, eventually escape them). second way: soa: system/options/args fsplit join system/script/path soa/1 soa/2 to-integer soa/3 and call rebol fsplit.r "arquivo.asd" "asdfile" 1024 (not tested)
> Many thanks... >

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