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HELP Needed for

 [1/8] from: gchillemi:aliceposta:it at: 9-Oct-2009 21:21

Hello, there is a problem with we cannot proceed with the translation of foreing documentation and importing of articles from alla around the world and then translate them because runs on an old CENTOS linux. This mean that the newer version of MediaWiki software cannot be used because of PHP5 (needed) does not run on this machine. We need an upgrade and a (some) volunteer(s). Carl has clearly stated that he has not the time to work on this problem. The situation is blocked since january 2008 and we are near the end of the second year. Scenario 1: Someone makes a backup and upgrades OS and migrates everything to the new setup. Scenario 2: Someone receives a backup ad install everything on a Virtual Machine running on a virtual Machine provider. If nobody wants to take this task we will never port the WHOLE rebol documentation project, nor we can provide translated version of the same page of documentation with the simple click of the proper flag. It is all in your hands. Giuseppe Chillemi REBOL2 Docbase Maintainer.

 [2/8] from: tim-johnsons:web at: 10-Oct-2009 7:23

1)I have noted that despite the support expressed for moving the ML to my server as per my earlier offer, no decision has been expressed. I am making note of this because I feel that it is related to Giuseppe's issue with 2)I note also Carl S's blog about degrading hosting support. 3)As to The service provider that I lease my server from charges $150 per month. With full and I mean *really full* support. Any number of domains can be hosted on it. This may be the solution for all 3. --------------------------------------------------------------------- I would be happy to make a $10 per month donation - every month to pay for the leased server. If 14 other "reboller" would do the same, life would be *so* much better for this community - and for its Benevolent Dictator. Just need some dictating ..... MTCW tj * Giuseppe Chillemi <> [091009 12:03]:
> Hello, > there is a problem with we cannot proceed with the translation
<<quoted lines omitted: 18>>
> To unsubscribe from the list, just send an email to > lists at with unsubscribe as the subject.
-- Tim

 [3/8] from: nick:guitarz at: 10-Oct-2009 17:53

I'm willing to donate some time and money - setting up a Paypal account may be good idea for this sort of thing. Is a dedicated server really necessary? I wonder if a shared hosting solution would work. I prepaid several Lunarpages accounts last year, and they each ended up being $4.95 per month. They've never given me any problems running REBOL on their servers. I also have several domains running on each account. They seem to be well maintained. - Nick Quoting Tim Johnson <>:

 [4/8] from: edoconnor:gma:il at: 10-Oct-2009 22:03

I am also willing to donate. I would be happy to donate to contribute to solution #3. Let's do it right, and with a solution that let's us maximize the benefits of REBOL. On Sat, Oct 10, 2009 at 8:53 PM, Nick Antonaccio <> wrote:

 [5/8] from: carl:cybercraft at: 11-Oct-2009 1:50

My feelings about donations for public and free services such as these is that the amount given and how often should be decided by the donors, as how much a service is valued by its users will vary greatly. Donate buttons on websites could work well I think, but where they fall down in my experience is in no follow-up. People may remember they've donated to a service, but whether it was 7 months or 7 years ago is a more difficult question. My suggestion would be to have a donation button and along with it the option for the donor to receive a reminder in the future that they may wish to donate again. (Or two or three reminders for those who know they're forgetful - have a bad email service...) And the donor should also choose how many months or years in the future the reminder should be sent. This I think would be a better approach than a few individuals commiting themselves to regular payments. Always assuming it brings in enough cash to run the service, of course. But the other methods could be the Plan Bs. -- Carl Read. On Saturday, 10-October-2009 at 7:23:54 Tim Johnson wrote,

 [6/8] from: tim-johnsons:web at: 11-Oct-2009 7:26

* Nick Antonaccio <> [091010 17:07]:
> I'm willing to donate some time and money - setting up a Paypal > account may be good idea for this sort of thing.
<<quoted lines omitted: 3>>
> any problems running REBOL on their servers. I also have several > domains running on each account. They seem to be well maintained.
In the case that I describe, leasing a server gives the "leasee" (I think that is the word) complete control over the server. Plus the support of the server owner. I had some domains on Hostmonster at one time. With one account, multiple domains could be hosted, but there was no seperation of permissions, which made it useful only if one hosted one's own domains. It didn't make reselling practical or safe, which is why I have this arrangement. -- Tim

 [7/8] from: gchillemi:aliceposta:it at: 11-Oct-2009 19:34

> In the case that I describe, leasing a server gives the "leasee" > (I think that is the word) complete control over the server.
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> it useful only if one hosted one's own domains. It didn't make > reselling practical or safe, which is why I have this arrangement.
TIM, what about using one of the service which offer a full virtual machine enviromnent ? It would be more flexible in certain situations. However I am happy there have been some feedback. Once the scenario is complete we could communicate to Carl our proposal. Hope we solve either the mailing list problem and the wiki software too. Giuseppe Chillemi

 [8/8] from: tim-johnsons:web at: 11-Oct-2009 12:14

* Giuseppe Chillemi <> [091011 09:47]:
> > In the case that I describe, leasing a server gives the "leasee" > > (I think that is the word) complete control over the server.
<<quoted lines omitted: 5>>
> TIM, what about using one of the service which offer a full virtual machine > enviromnent ? It would be more flexible in certain situations.
I can't speak to that, because we are now pushing the boundaries of what I am conversant with. Cniweb's server lease is actually a virtual server. I think that may not be what you are thinking about though. I think it would be a good idea if you and Carl communicate directly with Corey Johnson at cniweb as to what you would be looking for. He is a real straight shooter and will be honest about what he can and can not do (or will not do). And do tell him what you mean as far as "certain situations". I will be give him a heads up now, and I recommend that you compose your questions to him. And BTW: I have heard OTL from Carl with some questions as well, he is best served as are you by "speaking" directly to Corey. Corey may be reached at On weekdays/business hours you can expect very quick responses. On weekends - were it not an emergency, you might wait 'til Monday to hear back from him. I'm Bcc'ing this message to him as well. thanks
> However I am happy there have been some feedback. Once the scenario is > complete we could communicate to Carl our proposal.
<<quoted lines omitted: 3>>
> To unsubscribe from the list, just send an email to > lists at with unsubscribe as the subject.
-- Tim

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