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How to parse a filename using wildcards

 [1/9] from: ale870::gmail at: 17-Jul-2007 8:04

Hello, I have a problem using FIND/ANY with wildcards. The problem is I need to find some files/dir using typical wildcards (or something similar :-) ) to filter a filename list. I tried to use FIND/MATCH/ANY, but I found a... bug (?). Please take a look the following code: foreach i read %/f/mydocs/rebol/. [ f1: (find/match/any i "view*.htm") if f1 <> none [print f1 ] ] using the syntax << find/match/any filename "view*.htm" >> the command will return (for example): introduction.htm tutorial1.htm information.html <----- WRONG! information.html is not correct! Since I didn't ask << find/match/any filename "view*.htm*" >> (see the last asterisk). Furthermore, if I use << find/match/any filename "view*.h" >> I got the same results!!! :-( I think the pattern matching is not perfect. Can you suggest me a workaround (maybe using parse? In which way?) to make a true, fully functional filter for filename, extension? Thank you for your help! -- --Alessandro

 [2/9] from: santilli:gabriele:gma:il at: 17-Jul-2007 8:28

2007/7/17, Alessandro Manotti <>:
> I tried to use FIND/MATCH/ANY, but I found a... bug (?).
Not a bug - FIND returns the end of the match. You can use TAIL? to check if the whole string matched.
>> find/match/any "something" "some*g"
== ""
>> find/match/any "somethingelse" "some*g"
== "else"
>> tail? find/match/any "something" "some*g"
== true
>> tail? find/match/any "somethingelse" "some*g"
== false HTH, Gabriele.

 [3/9] from: ale870:gma:il at: 17-Jul-2007 8:53

Great! It works! Final draft code (to filter a directory), is the following: foreach i read %/f/mydocs/rebol/. [ f1: (find/match/any i "view*.htm*") if f1 <> none [ if tail? f1 [ print i ];if ];if ];foreach Have you any suggestion how to optimize, but maintaining the code readable? Thank you! On 7/17/07, Gabriele Santilli <> wrote:
> 2007/7/17, Alessandro Manotti <>: > > I tried to use FIND/MATCH/ANY, but I found a... bug (?).
<<quoted lines omitted: 13>>
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-- --Alessandro

 [4/9] from: sqlab:gmx at: 17-Jul-2007 8:57

or shorter
>> find/match/any/tail "somethingelse" "some*g"
== none
>> find/match/any/tail "something" "some*g"
== "something"
Gabriele Santilli wrote:

 [5/9] from: ale870:gm:ail at: 17-Jul-2007 9:41

Wow! This refiniment will compact my code something more: foreach i read %/f/mydocs/rebol/. [ if (find/match/any/tail i "*.jpg") <> none [ print i ];if ];foreach Thank you! I will publish it in my blog as tips & tricks. On 7/17/07, sqlab <> wrote:
> or shorter > >> find/match/any/tail "somethingelse" "some*g"
<<quoted lines omitted: 35>>
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-- --Alessandro

 [6/9] from: sqlab:gmx at: 17-Jul-2007 10:08

Hi Alessandro There is no need for the parenthesis and the double comparison just if find/match/any/tail i "*.jpg" [ is enough Alessandro Manotti wrote:

 [7/9] from: ale870::gmail::com at: 17-Jul-2007 10:58

Oh yes, I know. I used parenthesis just to make the code a little bit more readable even for non expert people :-) Regarding "none", you agree, I will eliminate it! On 7/17/07, sqlab <> wrote:
> Hi Alessandro > There is no need for the parenthesis and the double comparison
<<quoted lines omitted: 85>>
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-- --Alessandro

 [8/9] from: gregg:pointillistic at: 17-Jul-2007 9:35

Hi Alessandro, AM> The problem is I need to find some files/dir using typical AM> wildcards (or something similar :-) ) to filter a filename list. ... AM> Can you suggest me a workaround (maybe using parse? In which way?) AM> to make a true, fully functional filter for filename, extension? I put %file-list.r on some time back. It's large, because it does more than name matching, providing a dialect for filtering files by name, date, size, and attributes. e.g.: [%*.txt changed after 1-Aug-1998 < 10 kb not read-only] -- Gregg

 [9/9] from: ale870::gmail::com at: 17-Jul-2007 18:36

Wonderful! I will check it immediately, since it could be very useful for two applications I'm creating! Thank you! On 7/17/07, Gregg Irwin <> wrote:
> Hi Alessandro, > AM> The problem is I need to find some files/dir using typical
<<quoted lines omitted: 10>>
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-- --Alessandro

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