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[ALLY] New View 0.10.34

 [1/5] from: carl:rebol at: 23-Sep-2000 17:44

Fixed various bugs. Adds file requestors. Numerous other changes. Note: face actions created by VID are now functions. This allows you to refer to the active face from within the action block. For example: toggle "True" "False" [print value] field [print face/data] The blocks are used as the body of a function that is defined as: func [face value] Most scripts should still work. Ones that make assumptions about the datatype of the action will not. Use get in face 'action to deal with actions directly. Check out What's Up for more info. Holger also fixed sort! Much better. Jeff has also fixed crash in hash datatypes, so those should work better too. There are also various other fixes included. -Carl

 [2/5] from: rishi:picostar at: 24-Sep-2000 1:13

A couple feature request regarding file browsel - ability to browse remote directory (ftp://.....) - graphical display of hierarchy of folders...I'm curious if there was a reason to omit this...why enter path manually when it can be done both graphically and/or manually? To processing intensive? Rishi

 [3/5] from: lmecir:geocities at: 24-Sep-2000 20:01

Hi, the crash still there: h: make hash! 0 insert h copy "0123456789" h recycle insert h copy "0123456789" CRASH! Regards Ladislav

 [4/5] from: jeff:rebol at: 25-Sep-2000 10:56

> Hi, > the crash still there:
<<quoted lines omitted: 3>>
> Regards > Ladislav
Apparently the windows build that went out wasn't fully up to date. The one posted today has happy hash in it. Here's a little benchmark that shows (in a pretty way) how hashes are much faster for searches than blocks: REBOL [ Title: "Hash vs. Block" ] blk: make block! 10'000 results: copy [] repeat i 10'000 [ append blk stuff: reduce [key: form i i] if 0 = (i // 1'000) [ hash: make hash! blk tb1: now/time repeat j i [val: select blk form j] tb2: now/time th1: now/time repeat j i [val: select hash form j] th2: now/time append/only results reduce [ form i form (tb2 - tb1) form (th2 - th1) ] ] ] ss: stylize [ tt: text 0.0.0 font [shadow: none]] view layout [ styles ss backdrop 10.20.90 title "Block vs. Hash" list 300x20 [ space 0x0 origin 0x0 across backdrop 10.200.10 tt "Size" 100x16 tt "Block Select" 100x16 tt "Hash Select" 100x16 ] guide ll: list 300x230 [ space 0x0 origin 0x0 across tt 100x16 tt 100x16 tt 100x16 tt 100x16 ] data results ]

 [5/5] from: lmecir:geocities at: 26-Sep-2000 2:00

Hi, Congratulations! Look at Rebol.exe reference, it still looks being outdated. Regards Ladislav

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