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RFC: VID & formulars

 [1/1] from: robert::muench::robertmuench::de at: 12-Feb-2002 14:38

Hi, IIRC I mentioned/asked this a time ago but my knowledge of VID might not have been good enough. So here is goes again. Let's use the following code as an example... dialog: [ across button "1" [b1/offset/y: b1/offset/y + 20 show dialog] button "2" [monitor system/words] return b1: box 20x20 coal b2: box 20x20 coal do [b2/offset/y: b1/offset/y + b1/size/y] ] The line in the do [...] block does evaluate the pair! value and assigns it as soon as this line is processed. So there is not the formular attached but instead a static value! What I would like to have is a way that I can either set a pair! value in this case or the formular. If VID is redrawing the face, than the formular will be evaluated again too. This would make it possible to change b1/offset/y and have b2 move with it without having to remember to reposition b2 by hand. There are two levels possible: Easy: I have to show the faces manually so that all get updated. This is much the same as moving the depending face by hand but it would free me to remember about all the housekeeping funckions to call. I could just use show XYZ and the formulars would be evaluated. Hard: Have VID do the work for us. As soon as I change b1/offset/y VID recognizes, that there is a contraint at b2/offset/y that dependes on b1/offset/y and recalculates the value, sets the face to dirty and redraws everything that is needed. This would make it necessary to have a constraint-solver. I hope you understand what I mean. Is there a way to get such a kind of functionality through an other way? How could it be done else? -- Robert M. Münch IT & Management Freelancer Mobile: +49 (0)177 2452 802 Fax : +49 (0)721 8408 9112 Web :