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 [1/6] from: james:Temecula-usa at: 10-Oct-2003 21:42

Dear professional developers, If application is created with the SDK, Can it be commercially distributed? That is, can that application be sold? thanks, James

 [2/6] from: greggirwin::mindspring::com at: 10-Oct-2003 16:08

Hi James, JN> If application is created with the SDK, Can it be commercially JN> distributed? That is, can that application be sold? Yes. You should get the full license details from RT, but here's a pertinent section: REBOL API Restriction. If you choose to export the REBOL API (function and objects of REBOL) for users of programs created by REBOL/SDK (in other words, you allow users of your programs to write and execute REBOL scripts within your program), you must obtain a separate commercial distribution license from REBOL Technologies. If your program does not allow users to access the REBOL API, then no additional license is required. -- Gregg

 [3/6] from: Steven:White:ci:bloomington:mn:us at: 13-Oct-2003 8:43

JN> If application is created with the SDK, Can it be commercially JN> distributed? That is, can that application be sold? Two related questions, if I may: 1 of 2: If a person creates an application that requires only the free version of REBOL/VIEW, and would like to sell the application, is it OK to include with the application the free version of REBOL/VIEW itself as a separate item, just to save the customer the trouble of downloading and installing it himself? 2 of 2: If a person sees something in the script library that sparks an idea, and develops an application based on it, would it be illegal and/or tasteless to sell that application when some of the key work was done by someone else who posted it to the script library? Not that I have done or am doing any or these things, because I have no time, but some ideas have crossed my mind. Thank you. Steven White City of Bloomington 1800 W Old Shakopee Rd Bloomington MN 55431-3096 USA 952-563-4882 (voice) 952-563-4672 (fax) [steven--white--ci--bloomington--mn--us]

 [4/6] from: greggirwin:mindspring at: 13-Oct-2003 10:08

Hi Steven, SW> 1 of 2: If a person creates an application that requires only the free SW> version of REBOL/VIEW, and would like to sell the application, is it OK SW> to include with the application the free version of REBOL/VIEW itself as SW> a separate item, just to save the customer the trouble of downloading SW> and installing it himself? That's OK AFAIK. Isn't that how GREBOX works? I would ask for an official answer from RT to make sure you're covered though. SW> 2 of 2: If a person sees something in the script library that sparks SW> an idea, and develops an application based on it, would it be illegal SW> and/or tasteless to sell that application when some of the key work was SW> done by someone else who posted it to the script library? The legality would be based on the copyright and/or license assigned to the entry. If none is given, you're probably safe legally. Taste is a subjective matter. I would talk to the original author in any case. Some people are happy to see their stuff used, others are fine with visible credit, and most probably won't complain about being compensated in some way. :) --Gregg

 [5/6] from: ingo:2b1 at: 13-Oct-2003 20:53

Hi Steven, Steven White wrote:
> JN> If application is created with the SDK, Can it be commercially > JN> distributed? That is, can that application be sold?
<<quoted lines omitted: 4>>
> a separate item, just to save the customer the trouble of downloading > and installing it himself?
Long, long ago Carl stated that, if you want to distribute the free Version of /View, that's fine, but you would have to send your script RT to be included in the library. I'm not sure this info is still valid, though.
> 2 of 2: If a person sees something in the script library that sparks > an idea, and develops an application based on it, would it be illegal > and/or tasteless to sell that application when some of the key work was > done by someone else who posted it to the script library?
The legal aspect would depend on the scripts copyright. And I expect on the locality of all involved. Morally I'd say it's best to ask, or tell the other, if he already gave permission. Kind regards, Ingo

 [6/6] from: Rebolinth:nodep:dds:nl at: 13-Oct-2003 21:29

Hiya, Hope this makes it clear, its clear to me.. Yes you can sell and yes you can distribute... as long as the license is included for view and Core. SDK encap/API is different, you need a seperate license when your code feeds on rebol code for input output by 3th party use (the users). But a normal encapped file is free for sales.... (Thats how i read it, and if its not oke then Rebol Inc. should make (should have made) it more readable) JN> If application is created with the SDK, Can it be commercially JN> distributed? That is, can that application be sold?
>1 of 2: If a person creates an application that requires only the free >2 of 2: If a person sees something in the script library that sparks
SDK --> REBOL API Restriction. If you choose to export the REBOL API (function and objects of REBOL) for users of programs created by REBOL/SDK (in other words, you allow users of your programs to write and execute REBOL scripts within your program), you must obtain a separate commercial distribution license from REBOL Technologies. If your program does not allow users to access the REBOL API, then no additional license is required. VIEW --> You may redistribute the SOFTWARE provided that you include this entire License AGREEMENT and all copyright and trademark notices; and agree to indemnify, hold harmless, and defend REBOL from and against any claims or lawsuits, including attorneys' fees, that arise from use, reproduction, or distribution of the SOFTWARE. REBOL/core and /view is distributed on Shareware cdroms all over the world downloadble from "commercial" sites as well.. and they all keep the License included ;-) (R)egards, Norman. -- Conversation/lunch: "How do you Eat your Rebol in the Morning?"

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