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[ALLY] IRSee.r Now with ENCRYPTED private rooms!

 [1/1] from: tbrownell::yahoo::com at: 5-May-2001 10:52

IRSee.r now has FULLY ENCRYPTED private chat rooms. Even I can't read em! To use... 1. Pick a room name, any name (please leave "General" unencrypted) 2. Enter a Handle/Name 3. Enter a string like "The geese fly east at noon", one that only you and your comrades know. 4. Hit "Enter" and enjoy Notes: - Room names must be single word (no spaces) - Leave encryption string blank if you don't wish the room to be encrypted. - I'll be creating a bot to keep the site clean... files of any type other than .txt, old unused rooms, as well as files over a certain kb, will be removed. Updated IRSee.r is available at the LFReD Rebsite or here below. Terry Brownell REBOL [ Title: "LFReD IRSee" Author: "Terry Brownell" Email: [tbrownell--yahoo--com] Date: 04-May-2001 File: %IRSee.r History: [{ Ver 1.3 Added encryption capabilities }] ] irc-in: crypted: ftp://IRSee:[LFReD--216--232--249--87]/crypt-chat/ ;------ Encryption --------------- key-maker: func [str][checksum/secure str] crypt: func [ "Encrypts or decrypts data and returns the result." data [any-string!] "Data to encrypt or decrypt" akey [binary!] "The encryption key" /decrypt "Decrypt the data" /binary "Produce binary decryption result." /local port ][ port: open [ scheme: 'crypt direction: pick [encrypt decrypt] not decrypt key: akey padding: true ] insert port data update port data: copy port close port if not binary [data: to-string data] ] ;---------Main View --------------- view center-face layout [ backdrop 103.134.170 effect [ grid 10x10 93.124.160 ] across at 0x0 h2 " IRSee" return h4 "Chat Room" return room: field "General" 100 93.124.160 return h4 "Name/Handle" return handle: field "Handle" 100 93.124.160 return h4 "Encryption String" return key-string: field 100 93.124.160 button "Enter" 75x25 93.124.160 [the-room: rejoin [irc-in room/text] either empty? key-string/text [the-room: rejoin [irc-in room/text] forever [ m/text: copy read the-room show m wait 3]] [the-key: key-maker key-string/text the-room: rejoin [crypted room/text ".txt"] if error? try [read/binary the-room][write the-room crypt rejoin ["This is a previously unused room." newline] the-key] forever [m/text: crypt/decrypt read/binary the-room the-key show m wait 3]] ] return m: info 300x200 wrap s4: slider 14x200 93.124.160 [scroll-para m s4] return message: field 93.124.160 return button 93.124.160 75x25 "Submit" #"^M" [either empty? key-string/text [read rejoin [irc-out "said=" rejoin [handle/text ": " message/text]"&room=" room/text]message/text: copy "" show message focus message] [the-key: key-maker key-string/text the-room: rejoin [crypted room/text ".txt"] the-whole: crypt/decrypt read/binary the-room the-key coded1: rejoin [the-whole handle/text ": " message/text newline] coded: crypt coded1 the-key write/binary the-room coded message/text: copy "" show message focus message] ] button "Quit" 75x25 93.124.160 [quit] ]