IOS data
[1/8] from: john_kenyon:mlc:au at: 2-Oct-2001 14:21
I am trying to understand how the IOS will function. The main stumbling
block to my understanding is to do with storage of the disparate data used
by the system.
If there are to be many reblets, such as Agenda, Messenger and Contacts,
how will data be shared amongst them? For example, a name entered into
Contact should be available in Messenger. My assumption is that there will
be some form of underlying database to store and co-ordinate this
Does anyone have a better understanding of how this will work?
[2/8] from: robert::muench::robertmuench::de at: 2-Oct-2001 10:38
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [rebol-bounce--rebol--com] [mailto:[rebol-bounce--rebol--com]]On Behalf Of
<<quoted lines omitted: 5>>
> block to my understanding is to do with storage of the disparate data used
> by the system.
Hi, I'm thinking about the same thing (not especially for IOS) but for a general
Rebol based collection of tools, which should integrate well.
> If there are to be many reblets, such as Agenda, Messenger and Contacts,
> how will data be shared amongst them? For example, a name entered into
> Contact should be available in Messenger. My assumption is that there will
> be some form of underlying database to store and co-ordinate this
> information.
Well, how data is stored isn't that ciritical. You can use a database, text file
IMO what's most needed is a description about the (business) objects those tools
should handle. If we all could agree on a standard way what information a
contact-entry contains, than it's up to the community to create applications,
which use those objects.
So I propose to start with a collection of descriptions for those objects, so
that we all can base our work on these discriptions. It should even be possible
to handle different versions of those objects, as Rebol supports checks about
the presense of words in objects.
What do you think? Robert
[3/8] from: petr:krenzelok:trz:cz at: 2-Oct-2001 11:55
> So I propose to start with a collection of descriptions for those objects, so
> that we all can base our work on these discriptions. It should even be possible
> to handle different versions of those objects, as Rebol supports checks about
> the presense of words in objects.
value? obj/word ??? If word doesn't exist, it fails ... or - in obj 'word?
[4/8] from: jasonic:nomadics at: 2-Oct-2001 1:31
> I am trying to understand how the IOS will function. The main stumbling
> block to my understanding is to do with storage of the disparate data used
<<quoted lines omitted: 5>>
> information.
> Does anyone have a better understanding of how this will work?
hmm... Presumably it will work according to how you want/need it to work..
people-people is about workflow so the workflow determines the topology [or
it should].
The topology also affects the workflow, which is partly why imo internet/web
groupware is so ****ed in so many ways.
I imagine a hybrid of local servers, smart clients and communal centralized
Why should all your own be housed centrally as long as people find and
access it appropriately? Ditto for larger group of people, having a common
central repository may be an essential starting datum level against which
local reblets and relationships are based [ is one now]
Where the base data is large and common, say a multiple layers of a big
mapping applications, centralizing it makes sense, but so does having a ROM
or Hard drive cache of same. As each individual or workgourp begin to edit
their own versions and compile metadata, one must ask deeply when if ever
that needs to be centralized and synchronized or whether it should remain
as distributed metadata
In nay event I cannot see why every device should not fundamentally embed
client and server modules. These are quiet simply the ubiquitous yin and
yang of communications [look at your telephone handset for a global example]
. With these building blocks all kinds of permutations are possible.
Hopefully the poor marketing [un]-inspired vocabulary of "peer-to-peer" we
have now, will give way to much better more open map-like language and
My Hope for Rebol/++/IOS etc is that the rather false distinctions we have
at present will dissolve and be revealed for the illusion they are. That we
will be able to play NetLego, building new parts, coloring them . That we
will together be creating Reblets, elements, mappings and applications which
are the equivalent of some super net-synthesizer.
That we can visualize and patch them as a design aid but also a maintenance
adn operational interface without changing much. For more on this download
the PD [Pure Data] toolkit I posted about and start playing around. Then
imagine these are Rebol/IOS patches you are manipulating..!
We live in interesting times
- Jason
[5/8] from: allenk:powerup:au at: 2-Oct-2001 23:19
----- Original Message -----
From: "Petr Krenzelok" <[Petr--Krenzelok--trz--cz]>
To: <[rebol-list--rebol--com]>
Sent: Tuesday, October 02, 2001 7:55 PM
Subject: [REBOL] Re: IOS data
> >
> Hi,
> > So I propose to start with a collection of descriptions for those
objects, so
> > that we all can base our work on these discriptions. It should even be
> > to handle different versions of those objects, as Rebol supports checks
> > the presense of words in objects.
> How?
> value? obj/word ??? If word doesn't exist, it fails ... or - in obj
Here is an example from a couple of apps that share data. Each of the apps
has slightly extended a msg obj. (Note: This is from express beta, and not
necessarily representative of the new IOS framework)
1. Presumably you know which features or fields in the data your app
supports. So you create a template object for the data, complete with
default values (in this case I set all to none).
msg-obj: context [fx: who: when: color: content: file: group: none]
2. the data is a simple block (which could be loaded from a file)
[who: "Allen" when: 2-Oct-2001/22:54:47+10:00 color: 200.100.50 file:
%msg0001.r group: "support" offset: 0x0 refresh: 1:00:00 content: "Test
3. Make our object
if error? try [msg: make msg-obj load data][msg: make msg-obj []]
make object! [
fx: none
who: "Allen"
when: 2-Oct-2001/22:54:47+10:00
color: 200.100.50
content: "Test Message"
file: %msg0001.r
group: "support"
offset: 0x0
refresh: 1:00
(Note how compact and extensible the REBOL block format is compared to XML
for transfering simple data.)
4. Now I can use the parameters of the object that my script knows about. I
can ignore the paremeters that I don't know about. And I can test for ones I
expect because of my defaults in the template.
if msg/fx [do really amazing fx stuff]
if msg/who [print ["Msg for " msg/who]
5. You can also find out if other words are present in the object,
>> found? in msg 'color
== true
>> found? in msg 'squid
== false
5. If I wanted to save this msg object I would use
save msg-file third msg
Allen K
[6/8] from: cyphre:volny:cz at: 2-Oct-2001 17:30
Hi Pekr ;),
----- Original Message -----
From: "Petr Krenzelok" <[Petr--Krenzelok--trz--cz]>
To: <[rebol-list--rebol--com]>
Sent: Tuesday, October 02, 2001 11:55 AM
Subject: [REBOL] Re: IOS data
> How?
> value? obj/word ??? If word doesn't exist, it fails ... or - in obj
what about this:
error? try [get in obj 'word]
or another method...
find first obj 'word
[7/8] from: robert:muench:robertmuench at: 3-Oct-2001 11:26
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [rebol-bounce--rebol--com] [mailto:[rebol-bounce--rebol--com]]On Behalf
<<quoted lines omitted: 4>>
> How?
> value? obj/word ??? If word doesn't exist, it fails ... or - in obj 'word?
extend-object: func ['obj-word [word!] 'word [word!] value [any-type!] /local
all [not object? the-obj: get obj-word make error! "No object provided."]
if in the-obj word [
set in the-obj word value
return the-obj
set obj-word make the-obj reduce [to-set-word word value]
[8/8] from: john_kenyon:mlc:au at: 4-Oct-2001 9:24
Robert/Jason and all,
>IMO what's most needed is a description about the (business) objects those
>should handle. If we all could agree on a standard way what information a
>contact-entry contains, than it's up to the community to create
>which use those objects.
>So I propose to start with a collection of descriptions for those objects,
>that we all can base our work on these discriptions. It should even be
>to handle different versions of those objects, as Rebol supports checks
>the presense of words in objects.
>What do you think? Robert
Building a collection of these objects would be an excellent idea. This
would give a common base to store this information along the lines of IBMs
SanFransico business objects (although hopefully less complicated).
As Jason points out, there the location of the data should ideally be
irrelevant - of course.
I guess the only system which comes close to this at the moment is the old
Lotus Notes system whereby cross-platform clients are designed to access
either locally cloned copies or network based 'databases' to store
information. In the Notes case this is implemented as an inflexible closed
system, but using a similar concept with a distributed data store, services
for data replication (link?), and peer to peer connectivity some amazing
products could be built. Defining this core set of objects may be quite a
task though.
I have to admit, I wouldn't know where to start in designing all this :)
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