Are We Listing Reb-Friendly Sites?
[1/6] from: tim:johnsons-web at: 23-Nov-2000 8:57
Is rebol formally listing reb-friendly sites and domain hosters?
If not, it would be great. I just found one and they need some
recognition.(And of course, so does rebol.)
I think such a list would be great for rebol-ers as well.
[2/6] from: petr:krenzelok:trz:cz at: 23-Nov-2000 21:50
hmm, just few months back the listing of related sites was up in
developers/others section IIRC ... Now it's not there ...
[3/6] from: chris:starforge:demon at: 24-Nov-2000 13:48
Petr Krenzelok wrote:
> Hi,
> hmm, just few months back the listing of related sites was up in
> developers/others section IIRC ... Now it's not there ...
Probably just my cynical nature, but I guess it would be too
much work for RT to want to deal with. They probably have to
be fairly careful you see - it's a nice idea to have a central
database of Rebol related sites and ISPs, but in a business you
have to watch who is in there. You certainly don't want sites
listed that have "unsuitable" content or sites that look like
a dogs dinner that the cat dragged in through a headge backwards.
Doesn't do much for your image that, and it's not something you'd
want linked to from the site that the Suits will be looking at.
In theory you could review any sites that have been submitted,
but that means employing someone to check submissions, handle the
complaints from people who have been refused and so on.
New sig in the works
Explorer2260 Designer and Coder
[4/6] from: jr:brainbyte at: 24-Nov-2000 16:32
has been done up in REBOL
as well as some other stuff you can't see on the site as of yet.
main site is
[5/6] from: acme:wco at: 25-Nov-2000 17:06
Agreed. Perhaps the best place to list rebol friendly ISPs would be in a
mail list such as this, so that one could search its archives.
So, how about making this a call to all list readers to respond with a
known rebol friendly isp, and make sure the phrase "rebol friendly" is in
the subject. Actually, I shouldn't be the one to prompt for hundreds of
responses. Perhaps this request should get a stamp of approval from someone
at RT, first.
At 01:48 PM 11/24/00 +0000, you wrote:
>Probably just my cynical nature, but I guess it would be too
>much work for RT to want to deal with. They probably have to
>be fairly careful you see - it's a nice idea to have a central
>database of Rebol related sites and ISPs, but in a business you
>have to watch who is in there. You certainly don't want sites
___________________________________ ___________________________________
Ah, you hate Microsoft too! So comrade, ven do vee plan to defect?
[6/6] from: acme:wco at: 25-Nov-2000 17:19
Actually, some rebol friendly isps are already in the list archive. I
searched on the word 'friendly'.§ionbody&indexes=100&search=friendly
___________________________________ ___________________________________
Ah, you hate Microsoft too! So comrade, ven do vee plan to defect?