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[REBOL] reBOLek's Rebsite - message for RT ...

From: petr::krenzelok::trz::cz at: 5-Jul-2001 21:34

Hi, I visited a little bit controversional (what would you expect from Czechs :-) Rebsite done by Rebolek. It seems to me that he and Cyphre would like to take make some really cool stuff using Rebol, but are limited by Rebol bugs, or not fully finished mechanisms. Maybe RT could support them, if the additions to Rebol would not be very much time consuming :-) Few excerpts from Rebsite: { foreword: Thru 80's and 90's had all computers some sort of sound as standard (even PCs had PC-speaker). Now, in this multimedial 2001 we do have to pay for sound in REBOL. All standard net services for free, astonishing gfx enviroment for free, sound for 50$. For example, it was my monthly salvage for last one and half year. } { VID is boring. This is the first step to show what REBOL/View really can do. If draw will be expanded anyone can make xtimes better GUIs than this one. } { I was trying to make 3D engine in REBOL. This one uses draw dialect for drawing. After I realised I will need my own tringle drawing function to use Z-buffer I stopped developement. And yes, draw has its bugs too - you can simply crash REBOL by drawing a polygon outside the boundaries. I want to make some simple self-runnung demo from this, maybe enhace this if REBOLTech can enhance draw dialect. } { BAF - 0.0.1 (1-4-2001)" This my first word in much much longer answer to VID. You can only see animated luma effects and double red flash by clicking on button but under SWiS it can be dynamically resized. You can find better version of BAF (with slider and lists from Inlook) in next release of SWis - which will be ASAPFC (as soon as possible for cyphre) } ... and more :-) Cheers, -pekr-