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[REBOL] echo/append

From: sqlab::gmx::net at: 9-Jan-2003 9:53

I want to use a daily log file showing all the actions in a Rebol process. I came up with reusing the file produced by the echo command. As there is no open/append I try this approach. echo: func [ "Copies console output to a file." [catch] target [file! none!] /append ][ if port? system/ports/echo [ close system/ports/echo system/ports/echo: none ] if file? target [ system/ports/echo: throw-on-error [ either not append [ open/write/new/direct target ] [ target: open/direct target skip target 4294967295 target ] ] ] ] Sees someone major obstacles using this modified echo command ? AR -- +++ GMX - Mail, Messaging & more +++ NEU: Mit GMX ins Internet. Rund um die Uhr für 1 ct/ Min. surfen!