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[REBOL] Confused about cookies....

From: chris::starforge::demon::co::uk at: 22-Jan-2001 14:51

Hi, I'm trying to set up some scripts which require a user name and password to be send along with some text. I want to give the user the option of recording his username and passowrd in cookies on his computer and filling the appropriate fields in the form in using the cookies. Here's wher eI hit trouble though. Say I have a script called postentry.r which sends the user the form to fill in and another script - processentry.r - which is sent the form submission and returns a confirmation/error page. As i see it processentry.r can set the cookie once the username and password are validated, but how do I use the get_cookie function in postentry.r? Can I just do (pseudocode): Get block containing cookies Search for the USERNAME and PASSWORD cookies print header intro text form-start either found username set VALUE of username part of form to username print username part of form or print username part of form with blank VALUE either found password set VALUE of password part of form to password print password part of form or print password part of form with blank VLAUE print rest-of-form footer or does cookie getting only work with inlined rebol? Chris -- New sig in the works Explorer2260 Designer and Coder