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text-edit.rREBOL [
Title: "Text Editor"
Date: 4-Jun-2000
File: %text-edit.r
Author: "Carl Sassenrath"
Purpose: {A basic text editor with: cut, copy, paste, horizontal and vertical scrolling, URLs as file names (for FTP remote editing), shortcut keys and a dialog box for file save confirmation.}
library: [
level: 'intermediate
platform: 'all
type: 'Tool
domain: 'GUI
tested-under: none
support: none
license: none
see-also: none
Version: 1.0.0
size: 0x0
file: none
view layout [
h2 "Simple REBOL Text Editor..."
box 656x4 effect [gradient 1x0 200.0.0]
across space 6
text bold "File:" f1: field 400x24 [
file: either find f1/text ":" [to-url f1/text][to-file f1/text]
if error? try [t1/text: read file][t1/text: copy ""]
t1/line-list: none show t1 size: size-text t1
button "Save" 60x24 #"^S" [if file [write file t1/text]]
button "Do" 60x24 [do t1/text]
button "Quit" 60x24 #"^Q" [
either all [none? file t1/text not empty? t1/text]
[file: %temp-edit.txt][quit]
inform layout [
backdrop 200.50.50
text rejoin ["Do you want to save " file "?"]
button "Yes" [write file t1/text hide-popup]
button "No" [hide-popup quit]
return h1: space 0
t1: area 640x480 with [
color: 240.240.240
font: [name: font-fixed]
feel: make feel [redraw: none]
] para [origin: 4x4]
s1: slider 16x480 [
probe s1/data
t1/para/origin/y: s1/data - 1 * (negate size/y) - size/y + 2 show t1
at (h1 + 0x480) s2: slider 640x16 [
t1/para/origin/x: s2/data - 1 * (negate size/x) - size/x + 2
t1/line-list: none show t1
] |