Script Library: 1241 scripts


REBOL [ title: "Text Calendar" date: 31-Jan-2016 file: %text-calendar.r author: Nick Antonaccio purpose: { Prints a calendar for every month, in the year chosen by the user (by default, the current year). } ] if "" = y: ask "Year (ENTER for current):^/^/" [prin y: now/year] foreach m system/locale/months [ prin rejoin ["^/^/ " m "^/^/ "] foreach day system/locale/days [prin join copy/part day 2 " "] print "" f: to-date rejoin ["1-"m"-"y] loop f/weekday - 1 [prin " "] repeat i 31 [ if attempt [c: to-date rejoin [i"-"m"-"y]][ prin join either 1 = length? form i [" "][" "] i if c/weekday = 7 [print ""] ] ] ] print "^/" halt
halt ;; to terminate script if DO'ne from webpage