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application-sizer.rrebol [
file: %application-sizer.r
title: "Estimate size of a REBOL application"
date: 6-dec-2008
Author: "Sunanda"
Version: 0.0.3
History: [
0.0.0 1-dec-2008 "initial release"
0.0.1 3-dec-2008 "various improvements (see documentation)"
0.0.2 4-dec-2008 "/csv and /config refinements (see documentation)"
0.0.3 6-dec-2008 "/preprocess refinement (see documentation)"
;; Documentation is here:
;; ---------------------
app-sizer: make object! [
;; configuration/installation options
;; ----------------------------------
configuration: make object! [
app-name: "No name" ;; The name of your application
app-version: "None" ;; The version of your application
app-folders: %./ ;; folders to search (use block if more than one)
exclude-files: [%application-sizer.r] ;; files to ignore
source-suffixes: [%.r] ;; what's a script?
add-header?: false ;; do they all have headers?
minimal-chars: "{}[]" ;; lines with only these are ignored
csv-file-name: %application-sizer.csv ;; csv file name
configuration-reset: construct/with [] configuration
files-seen: copy []
all-data: copy ""
app-data: make object! [
app-sizer-version: 0.0.2
run-date: now/date
app-name: configuration/app-name
app-version: none
folders: 0
files: 0
raw-bytes: 0.0
compressed-size: 0.0
raw-lines: 0.0
code-lines: 0.0
elements: make object! [
string: [0 0.0] ;; occurances + total length
datatype: [0 0.0]
number: [0 0.0]
refinement: [0 0.0]
function: [0 0.0]
operator: [0 0.0]
native: [0 0.0]
action: [0 0.0]
object: [0 0.0]
image: [0 0.0]
comment: [0 0.0]
body: [0 0.0]
whitespace: [0 0.0]
element-definitions: none ;; inverted from color-code/colors
init-app-data: first reduce load mold app-data
pp-func: none ;; preprocessing function
;; ============================================================
;; color-coder and color-code
;; --------------------------
;; adapted from Carl's color
;; coding script in the Library.
;; We use them to characterise
;; the parts of a script. Originals
;; are here:
;; ============================================================
color-coder: make object! [
; Set the color you want for each datatype:
colors: sort/skip [
char! "string"
date! "datatype"
decimal! "number"
email! "string"
file! "string"
integer! "number"
issue! "datatype"
money! "datatype"
pair! "datatype"
string! "string"
tag! "string"
time! "datatype"
tuple! "datatype"
url! "string"
refinement! "refinement"
cmt "comment"
] 2
out: copy []
text: none
emit: func [data] [repend out data]
emit-color: func [value start stop /local color][
either none? :value [color: select colors 'cmt][
if path? :value [value: first :value]
color: either word? :value [
any [
all [value? :value image? get :value "image"]
all [value? :value action? get :value "action"]
all [value? :value op? get :value "operator"]
all [value? :value object? get :value "object"]
all [value? :value native? get :value "native"]
all [value? :value any-function? get :value "function"]
all [value? :value datatype? get :value "datatype"]
any [select colors type?/word :value]
text: copy/part start stop
either color [
emit [ to-word color text 'whitespace
emit ['body text 'whitespace] ;; something else
color-code: func [
"Return color source code as HTML."
text [string!] "Source code text"
/local str new value temp
color-coder/out: copy []
set [value text] load/next/header detab text
color-coder/emit copy/part head text text
spc: charset [#"^(1)" - #" "] ; treat like space
parse/all text blk-rule: [
some [
some spc new: (color-coder/emit copy/part str new) |
newline (color-coder/emit newline)|
#";" [thru newline | to end] new:
(color-coder/emit-color none str new) |
[#"[" | #"("] (color-coder/emit first str) blk-rule |
[#"]" | #")"] (color-coder/emit first str) break |
skip (
set [value new] load/next str
color-coder/emit-color :value str new
) :new
return color-coder/out
run: func [
;; ========================================
/config user-config [object!]
/preprocess pp-function [function!]
;; Initialise the configuration object
;; -----------------------------------
either config [
configuration: construct/with third user-config configuration-reset
configuration: construct/with [] configuration-reset
;; initialise the preprocessing function
;; -------------------------------------
pp-func: func [ ;; do nothing function for default
folder [file!]
name [file!]
scr [string!]
return scr
if preprocess [
pp-func: :pp-function ;; user supplied function
;; Initialise the app-data object
;; ------------------------------
app-data: first reduce load mold init-app-data
app-data/app-version: configuration/app-version
app-data/app-name: configuration/app-name
app-data/element-definitions: copy []
foreach [element type] color-coder/colors [
either none? ptr: select app-data/element-definitions type [
insert/only app-data/element-definitions reduce [element]
insert app-data/element-definitions type
append ptr element
sort/skip app-data/element-definitions 2
;; Reset other data areas
;; ----------------------
all-data: make string! 512000
files-seen: copy []
;; Count the files!
;; ----------------
if not block? configuration/app-folders [
configuration/app-folders: reduce [configuration/app-folders]
foreach folder configuration/app-folders [
app-data/folders: app-data/folders + 1
foreach file read folder [
if error? cap-err: try [
handle-file folder file
print ["app-sizer: problem with "
clean-path join folder file "..."
mold disarm cap-err
app-data/compressed-size: length? compress trim/lines all-data
all-data: none
;; Emit a CSV if requested
;; -----------------------
;; Header row written for new
;; file, otherwise we add a new
;; row for these results
if csv [
if not exists? configuration/csv-file-name [
return app-data
handle-file: func [
;; =========================================
folder [file!]
file [file!]
;; Handles one file
;; ----------------
;; File may be expanded into more than one
;; by the preprocessing.
target-file-name: join folder file
;; Ignore if not a proper target
;; -----------------------------
if dir? target-file-name [return true] ;; no subfolder search, yet
if not find configuration/source-suffixes suffix? file [return true] ;; wrong suffix
if find configuration/exclude-files file [return true] ;; excluded file
file-contents: read target-file-name
;; do not count if it is a duplicate file
;; --------------------------------------
if find files-seen checksum/secure file-contents [return true]
;; Run preprocessing
;; -----------------
;; This may expand the file to more than one file
post-processed: do reduce [pp-func folder file file-contents]
if none? post-processed [return true] ;; preprocess says ignore
;; Size each file
;; resulting from the
;; preprocessing
;; ---------------------
if not block? post-processed [
post-processed: reduce [post-processed]
nn: 0
foreach target-script post-processed [
nn: nn + 1 ;; for error messages
;; ignore if already seen
;; ----------------------
if not find files-seen cs: checksum/secure target-script [
append files-seen cs
;; add a header if:
;; 1. needed
;; 2. add-header option is enabled
;; -------------------------------
if configuration/add-header? [
if error? try [load/header target-script] [
insert target-script {REBOL [] ^/}
print ["app-sizer: header added to [" nn "] " clean-path target-file-name]
;; count the file
;; --------------
append all-data target-script
file-lines: parse/all target-script to-string newline
app-data/files: app-data/files + 1
app-data/raw-bytes: app-data/raw-bytes + length? target-script
app-data/raw-lines: app-data/raw-lines + length? file-lines
count-code-lines file-lines
count-elements target-script
return true
count-code-lines: func [
;; ====================================
file-lines [block!]
;; bumps a count for lines
;; that are not blank, or minimal
;; ------------------------------
foreach line file-lines [
trim/all line
if all [
"" <> line ;; ignore blank
#";" <> line/1 ;; ignore comment
"" <> exclude line configuration/minimal-chars ;; ignore if only minimal chars
not all [find configuration/minimal-chars line/1 ;; something like "] ;end of func"
line/2 = #";"
app-data/code-lines: app-data/code-lines + 1
return true
count-elements: func [
;; ====================================
script [string!]
;; uses color-code to
;; analyse the script and
;; count its various elements
;; ---------------------------
latest-type: 'whitespace
foreach item app-sizer/color-code script [
either word? item [
latest-type: item
target: get in app-data/elements latest-type
poke target 1 target/1 + 1 ;; one more of this type
if char? item [item: to-string item]
target: get in app-data/elements latest-type
poke target 2 target/2 + length? item ;; total length of this type
return true
write-csv-header: func [
;; ==========================
/local rec
rec: copy ""
foreach [label value] flatten-app-data-object [
append rec mold label
append rec ","
rec: copy/part rec (length? rec) - 1
write/lines configuration/csv-file-name rec
return true
write-csv-data: func [
;; ==========================
/local rec
rec: copy ""
foreach [label value] flatten-app-data-object [
append rec value
append rec ","
rec: copy/part rec (length? rec) - 1
write/lines/append configuration/csv-file-name rec
return true
flatten-app-data-object: func [
;; =================================
/recurs prefix target
data: copy []
either recurs [
prefix: join prefix "-"
prefix: copy ""
target: app-data
foreach item next first target [
item-value: get in target item
either object? item-value [
append data flatten-app-data-object/recurs form item item-value
either block? item-value [
for nn 1 length? item-value 1 [
append data rejoin [prefix to-string item "-" nn]
append data form item-value/:nn
append data rejoin [prefix to-string item]
append data form get in target item
return data
] Notes