Script Library: 1238 scripts


REBOL [ Title: "REBftp simple ftp client" Date: 7-Jun-2001 Version: 1.3.0 File: %rebftp.r Author: "David Crawford" Purpose: {A simple program to upload and download files to/from an ftp server.} Email: %dave_111--bellsouth--net library: [ level: 'intermediate platform: none type: none domain: [GUI] tested-under: none support: none license: none see-also: none ] ] comment { This program does NOT open a port, instead it uses rebol's built in opening and closing before and after a read/write. TODO: The program still needs to handle traversing up and down directories, preferences, bookmarks, mode switching (currently only does binary). Note: the panes used here are based on Carl Sassenrath's Example in the How-To section at , many thanks go to Carl!! } ;-------- Global Vars ---------------------------------; group: read %/ ;- get the root directory group2: [] counter: 0 baseserv: "ftp://" colon: ":" atsymbol: "@" slash: "/" a: "current dir" b: "remote dir" elf: "" bob: "" ;ralph: [] ogres: [] Kobol: [] mypath: "" nextpath: "" ;-----------------Layout and Main Function-----------; start: func [][ main: layout [ style lab label 50 left across banner red "REB-FTP Client." button 30x30 coal "?" [inform man-about] return across return button "Remote Panel" [ panels/pane: panel1 show panels ] button "Local Panel " [ panels/pane: panel2 show panels ] return box 210x2 maroon return panels: box 210x200 coal ] panel1: layout [ origin 8x8 h2 "FTP Server" servname: field "" servsubd: field "subdir" username: field "User-Name" passname: field "PASS" guide button "Select" [ append bob baseserv append bob username/text append bob colon append bob passname/text append bob atsymbol append bob servname/text if (servsubd/text = NOT "subdir") [append bob "/" append bob servsubd/text append bob "/" bob: to-url bob ;groups: read bob ] ; alert [ "NOTE: the trailing slash MUST be on the ftp server name, or an error will occur!"] panels/pane: panel3 show panels ] return button 95x24 "ANON" [ append bob baseserv append bob servname/text bob: to-url bob panels/pane: panel3 show panels ] ] panel2: layout [ origin 8x8 h2 "Local Prefs" across return text-list 200x120 data (read %/) [append elf value] return button 80x25 "Cool!" [ alert [elf] ] button 80x25 "Continue" [ inform elven ] button 25x25 green "R" [do %rebftp.r] return ] panel3: layout [ origin 8x8 h2 "Connect Window" across text blue "Local Directory:" return info red elf return text blue "Remote Directory:" return info red bob return label "Continue?" return button 95x15 "Go" [ bob: to-url bob ralph: read bob elf: to-file elf gnome: read elf subw ] button 95x15 "Escape" [do %rebftp.r] ;text-list 180x140 data (read %.) ;groups return ] panel1/offset: 0x0 panel2/offset: 0x0 panel3/offset: 0x0 panels/pane: panel1 ;******************** view main ;******************** ] ;------------------Sub-Func----------------; ;- This function required so that the panels ;- will be drawn AFTER the blocks are filled ;- with the variable information-----------; subw: func [][ swin: layout [ style lab label 50 left across banner red "MyFTP Client." return across return button "Recieve FROM" [ funnels/pane: panelA show funnels ] button "Copy TO Serv" [ funnels/pane: panelB show funnels ] return box 210x2 maroon return funnels: box 210x200 navy ] panelA: layout [ origin 8x8 h2 "Remote Files" across return text-list 200x120 data ralph [append ogres value] return button 80x25 "Download" [ ; alert [ogres] foreach ogre ogres[ clear mypath clear nextpath append mypath bob ;append mypath slash append mypath ogre append nextpath elf ;append nextpath slash append nextpath ogre mypath: to-url mypath nextpath: to-file nextpath ;alert [mypath] ;alert [nextpath] write/binary nextpath read/binary mypath ] ] button 80x25 "Reset" [ clear ogres alert ["Download Buffer Cleared"] ] button 25x25 red "Q" [quit] return ] panelB: layout [ origin 8x8 h2 "Local Files" across return text-list 200x120 data gnome [append Kobol value] return button 80x25 "Upload" [ alert [kobol] foreach kobo kobol [ clear mypath clear nextpath append mypath bob append mypath kobo append nextpath elf append nextpath kobo mypath: to-url mypath nextpath: to-file nextpath write/binary mypath read/binary nextpath ] ] button 80x25 "Reset!" [ clear Kobol alert ["Upload Buffer Cleared"] ] button 25x25 green "R" [do %rebftp.r] return ] panelB/offset: 0x0 panelA/offset: 0x0 funnels/pane: panelA view swin ] ;------------------------------------------------------; elven: layout [ across backdrop effect [gradient 1x1 0.0.0 0.0.180] banner " SUB-Dir! " gold return text "Create a sub-directory called:" yellow return elvish: field "" return button "Continue" [hide-popup either not elvish/text = "" [ append elf (elvish/text) elf: to-file elf if not (exists? elf) [ make-dir elf ] ][ elf: to-file elf ] hide-popup ] ] man-about: layout [ across banner "RebFTP/MyFTP" red return text gold "Created 2001 using Rebel/View," return text gold "by David Crawford. See the " return text gold "Readme for full instructions" return text gold bold "Bug reports: " text "Enter problem below." return buggies: field "Bug" return button "send" [ send %dave_111--bellsouth--net buggies/text ] return button "close" [hide-popup] ] ;------------------------------------------------------; ;------------the whole thing starts here! start 
halt ;; to terminate script if DO'ne from webpage
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  • (dave_111:bellsouth:net)