Script Library: 1238 scripts


REBOL [ Title: "Pretty numbers" File: %pretty-numbers.r Date: 24-Sept-2005 Version: 1.0 Purpose: {Add spaces to numbers so they get more readable. E.g. 126789 => 126 789} Library: [ Level: 'beginner Domain: [printing text-processing] License: none Platform: [all] Tested-under: none Type: 'function Support: none ] ] pretty-number: func [to-print] [ if not number? to-print [return to-print] to-print: reverse to-string to-print to-return: copy "" index: 0 forall to-print [ if all [index <> 0 0 = (index // 3)] [ append to-return " " ] append to-return first to-print if any [ #"." = first to-print #"," = first to-print ] [ index: -1 ] index: 1 + index ] trim reverse to-return ] halt
halt ;; to terminate script if DO'ne from webpage