Script Library: 1238 scripts


Rebol [ title: "Pratt's parser implementation" file: %pratt-parser.r author: "Marco Antoniazzi" Copyright: "(C) 2018 Marco Antoniazzi. All Rights reserved." email: [luce80 AT libero DOT it] date: 08-08-2018 version: 0.1.1 Purpose: "A set of functions to ease construction of expressions parsing with precedences." History: [ 0.0.1 [05-08-2018 "Started"] 0.1.1 [08-08-2018 "Completed main aspects"] ] library: [ level: 'advanced platform: 'all type: 'function domain: [parse grammar] tested-under: [View] support: none license: 'BSD ] Use: {See examples at end of script} help: { Most of the code is directly derived from that of Frederik Lundh's article Some parts are derived also from Robert Nystrom's article The code does not provide a "complete" language scanner. The core of the evaluation happens inside 'expression' function and that shouldn't be changed. The next most important function is 'tokenize'. This function scans the source string and outputs a list of name,object-token pairs. If yuu want to add support for e.g. hexadecimal numbers you must modify it and also some parsing rules and functions. Some common helper functions are provided but if you want to add support for some particular construct you will have to make it "manually" by calling the 'symbol' function and providing the necessary 'nud' and/or 'led' functions (see Lundh's article to understand what I mean) DISCLAIMER: USE THIS SCRIPT AT YOUR OWN RISK. } ] if not value? 'pratt-ctx [; avoid redefinition pratt-ctx: context [ debug: false log: :comment if debug [log: :do] ; rules digit: charset [#"0" - #"9"] alpha: charset [#"A" - #"Z" #"a" - #"z"] space: charset "^(09)^(0A)^(0D)^(20)" ops-chars: charset "/*-+!?:()" var-chars: complement union space ops-chars ops: ["**" | ops-chars] digits: [some digit] positive-decimal: [opt digits "." digits | digits "." ] exponent: [ [ "e" | "E" ] opt ["+" | "-"] digits] positive-float: [[positive-decimal | digits] opt exponent] number: [opt "-" positive-float] number_?: func [source [string!]] [parse/all source number] ; ; skips skip_spaces: func [str [string!]] [while [any [str/1 = #" " str/1 = #"^(09)" str/1 = #"^(0A)" str/1 = #"^(0D)"]][str: next str] str] skip_until_char: func [str [string!] char [char!]] [while [str/1 <> char][str: next str]] skip_comment: func [str [string!]][ if str/1 <> #";" [return str] str: skip_until_char str #"^/" ] skip_white: func [string [string!] /local start end] [ start: end: string until [ end: skip_spaces start start: skip_comment end start = end ] start ] skip_to_space: func [source [string!]] [parse/all source [[number | ops | some var-chars] source:] source] ; token-list: copy [] symbol_table: copy [] yield: func [obj [object!]] [append token-list obj] advance: func [id [string! none!]] [ if all [id token/id <> id] [to error! reform ["Expected:" id]] token: first+ token-list ] tokenize: func [ "Scan the input string! and create a list of <token>s" code [string!] /local pos word elem ] [ pos: code while [not tail? pos] [ log [probe pos] pos: skip_white pos word: copy/part pos pos: skip_to_space pos log [prin "word: " probe word] case [ number_? word [ elem: make symbol_table/("literal") [value: word] yield elem ] find alpha word/1 [ elem: make symbol_table/("name") [value: word] yield elem ] 'else [ if none? elem: select symbol_table word [to error! reform ["Unknown operator:" word ]] yield make elem [] ] ] ] yield symbol_table/("(end)") ] token: none ; current token to_str: func [value [block!]][make string! attempt value] ; convert also none symbol_base: make object! [ id: none ; node/token type name value: none ; used by literals first: second: third: none ; first, second and third param of outputted function or operator or statement" leftprec: 0 nud: func [][ to error! reform ["Syntax error (" id ")"] ] led: func [left [object!]][ to error! reform ["Unkknown or misplaced operator:" id ] ] repr: func [][ either any [id = "name" id = "literal"] [ rejoin ["(" id " " value ")"] ][ rejoin ["(" id " " to_str [first/repr] to_str [second/repr] to_str [third/repr] ")"] ] ] eval: func [][ either id = "literal" [ load value ][ ops: [ "+" add "-" subtract "*" multiply "/" divide ] do reduce [select ops id first/eval second/eval] ] ] comp: func [][ either id = "literal" [ reform ["movi sp" value] ][ ops: [ "+" "add sp sp(0) sp(1)" "-" "sub sp sp(0) sp(1)" "*" "mul sp sp(0) sp(1)" "/" "div sp sp(0) sp(1)" ] reform [ second/comp lf first/comp lf select ops id ] ] ] ] symbol: func [ "Create a new symbol and append it to the global table or just updtate it." name [string! none!] prec [integer! none!] nud [block! none!] led [block! none!] /local sym ][ if none? sym: select symbol_table name [ sym: make symbol_base [] append symbol_table name append symbol_table sym ] if name [sym/id: name] if prec [sym/leftprec: max prec sym/leftprec] if nud [sym/nud: func [] bind nud sym] if led [sym/led: func [left] bind led sym] sym ] infix: func [name prec][ symbol name prec none compose [ first: left second: expression (prec) self ] ] prefix: func [name prec][ symbol name none compose [ first: expression (prec) self ] none ; led ] ; infix binary operator but right-associative infix-right: func [name prec][ symbol name prec none compose [ first: left second: expression (prec - 1) self ] ] postfix: func [name prec][ symbol name prec none [ first: left self ] ] ; pseudo-infix ternary operator mixfix: func [name1 name2 prec][ symbol name2 none none none symbol name1 prec none compose [ first: left second: expression 0 advance (name2) third: expression 0 self ] ] constant: func [name][ symbol name 0 compose [ id: "literal" value: (name) self ] none ; led ] ; the core of the evaluator expression: func [ "Recursively travel a tokenized list according to precedences" rightprec [integer!] /local prevtoken left ] [ prevtoken: token token: first+ token-list left: prevtoken/nud while [rightprec < token/leftprec] [ prevtoken: token token: first+ token-list left: prevtoken/led left ] left ] parse-expression: func [program [string!]] [ tokenize program ;probe token-list token: first+ token-list token: expression -1 ; -1 is initial "fake" precedence ] ] ; context pratt-2 ] ; value? ; examples do ; just comment this line to avoid executing examples [ if system/script/title = "Pratt's parser implementation" [;do examples only if script started by us do bind [ ; bind to simplify code ; make a SIMPLIFIED grammar with precedences ; generic literal symbol "literal" ; name none ; precedence [self] ; body of nud function none ; body of led function symbol "name" none [self] none ; mark end of input set in symbol "(end)" none none none 'leftprec -1 ; (end) has a special precedence of -1 to intercept "lonely" ops infix "+" 30 infix "-" 30 infix "*" 40 infix "/" 40 ; update operators to support also prefix precedence prefix "+" 60 prefix "-" 60 ; right-associative infix binary operator infix-right "**" 50 ; factorial as a postfix unary operator postfix "!" 70 ; conditionaal expression as pseudo-infix ternary operator mixfix "?" ":" 20 ; associativity made with parens as prefix unary pseudo-operator with delimiter symbol "(" none [ first: expression 0 advance ")" first ; return directly result of expression instead of 'self that would return the operator "(" ] none ; add symbol to avoid reporting it as unknown symbol ")" none none none ; constants are lierals constant "true" constant "false" ;... ; add as many as you want ;... parse-expression probe "e ** (i / h * (p * x - E * t))" print "" print "Parsing tree:" print token/repr print "" parse-expression probe "b ** 2 - 4 * a * c" print "" print "Parsing tree:" print token/repr print "" parse-expression probe "1 / k !" print "" print "Parsing tree:" print token/repr print "" parse-expression probe "a * - b" print "" print "Parsing tree:" print token/repr print "" parse-expression probe "1 + 2 * (3 - 4)" print "" print "Parsing tree:" print token/repr print "" prin "Result of evaluation: " ; note: only arithmetic operators supported (see symbol_base/eval) print token/eval print "" print "compiled pseudo ;) assembly: " ; note: only arithmetic operators supported (see symbol_base/comp) print token/comp halt ] pratt-ctx ] ; if title ]
halt ;; to terminate script if DO'ne from webpage