Script Library: 1238 scripts


REBOL [ Title: "REBOL to POLAND ICM METEO map interface" Date: 2004-01-03 Version: 1.4 Id: "$Id: meteo.r,v 1.4 2004/01/03 11:09:00 narg Exp $" Author: "Piotr Gapinski" Email: %news--rowery--olsztyn--pl File: %meteomap-poland.r Copyright: "Olsztynska Strona Rowerowa" Purpose: "Show meteo maps for Poland (Central Europe)" License: "GNU General Public License (Version II)" Comment: { Pobiera mape pogody z serwisu pare faktow: - strona jest strasznie pokomplikowana - do wyznaczenia mapy system posluguje sie dwucyfrowym numerem dnia (liczac od poczatku roku) oraz godzina konwersji; mapa na ICM generowana jest 4 razy w ciagu 24 godzin poczawszy od 12UTC; schemat jest nastepujacy: a) o 12UTC ICM pobiera dane z Anglii - warunki brzegowe mapy pogody b) wzgledem danych generowane sa mapy o 18 oraz 00, 06 i 12 dnia nastepnego } Library: [ level: 'intermediate platform: 'all type: [tool] domain: [web graphics] tested-under: [ view 1.2.1 on [winxp] view 1.2.8 on [linux winxp] view 1.2.37 on [Winxp] ] support: none license: 'LGPL ] ] ctx-meteomap: context [ meteo-delay: 03:00 ;; opoznienie w pojawieniu sie nowych map na meteo-map-offset: func [ "Zwraca block! zawierajacy numer dnia i strefe czasowa mapy dla podanego czasu GMT." dt [date!] "datetime GMT wzgledem ktorego beda obliczone parametry mapy pogody" /local day-of-year time-offset to-gmt] [ day-of-year: has [date julian] [ date: dt/date julian: date/julian ;; numer-dnia (od poczatku roku) either (positive? dt/time) [julian] [julian - 1] ;; ?? loop (3 - length? (tmp: to-string julian)) [insert (head tmp) "0"] ;; dodaj wiodace 0 (uzupelnij do 3 cyfr) return tmp ] time-offset: has [time limit offset] [ ;; zwraca aktualna strefe czasowa wygenerowania mapy ("00" "06" "12" "18") time: dt/time foreach [limit offset] [6:00 "00" 12:00 "06" 18:00 "12" 23:59 "18"] [if (limit > time) [return offset]] ] ;; print reduce [day-of-year time-offset] reduce [day-of-year time-offset] ] look-and-feel: stylize [ cycle: rotary edge [size: 1x1] [change-map index? r/data] btn: button 20 edge [size: 1x1] [ either none? (dat: load-map/force idx) [alert "internet error!"][ set [ia ib na nb] dat change-map index? r/data ] ] header: vtext font [size: 18 style: 'bold] map: image edge [size: 1x1 color: black] version: vtext system/script/header/id white font [size: 10] ] change-map: func [ "Zmienia wyswietlana mape w GUI programu." num [integer!] "numer mapy do wyswietlenia (1..2)" /local bound] [ bound: func [val lo hi] [ if val > hi [return hi] if val < lo [return lo] return val ] num: bound num 1 2 ;; 1 <= num <= 2 i/image: pick reduce [ia ib] num h/text: form modified? path-thru (pick reduce [na nb] num) show [h i] ] load-map: func [ "Pobiera mapy z serwisu Zwraca block! [path1 image1 path2 image2]." id [integer!] "strefa mapy (1..4)" /force "wymusza pobranie nowych map z serwera" ;; /local ia ib na nb idx doy tof get-map to-gmt x f] [ ][ get-map: func [url [url!]] [either all [force connected?] [load-thru/binary/update url] [load path-thru url]] to-gmt: func [time] [time - now/zone] set [doy tof] meteo-map-offset to-gmt (now - meteo-delay) ;; pobierz parametry mapy pogody na teraz na: rejoin [ tof "/temp" id "." doy tof ".gif"] nb: rejoin [ tof "/cld" id "." doy tof ".gif"] fl: none if force [fl: flash "please wait..."] x: all [ not error? try [ ia: get-map na ib: get-map nb ] not none? ia not none? ib ] if fl [unview/only fl] either not none? x [reduce [ia ib na nb]] [none] ] set 'show-weather func [ "wyswietla mape pogody pobrana z serwera" /zone "strefa mapy" id [integer!] "strefa czasowa (1..4)" /local dat wnd] [ idx: any [id 1] ;; strefa od 1 do 4 (1=dzisiaj od 6 do 18 ... 4=jutro od 18 do 6) if not any [ not none? (dat: load-map idx) ;; najpierw sprawdz w file-cache not none? (dat: load-map/force idx) ;; potem pobierz z internetu (i uaktualnij cache) ][ print "internet error and/or file-cache is empty..." halt] set [ia ib na nb] dat wnd: layout [ styles look-and-feel origin 1x1 space 2x2 key (escape) [unview quit] across r: cycle texts ["temperature" "clouds"] btn "!" pad 10x0 h: header form now return i: map ia at to-pair reduce [10 (i/offset/y + i/size/y - 20)] version ] change-map index? r/data view center-face wnd ] ] show-weather ;; prognoza pogody na "teraz" quit
halt ;; to terminate script if DO'ne from webpage
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  • (news:rowery:olsztyn:pl)