Script Library: 1238 scripts


REBOL [ title: "Choose and convert colors" needs: "Recent versions of %feel-loose.r, %simple-spin-number-style.r, %simple-pop-down-style.r" Date: 31-12-2023 Version: 0.8.10 File: %color-requester.r Author: "Marco Antoniazzi" Rights: "Copyright (C) 2021 Marco Antoniazzi" Purpose: "Requests a color or modify or convert it" eMail: [luce80 AT libero DOT it] History: [ 0.0.1 [09-05-2020 "Started"] 0.8.1 [21-06-2020 "Mature enough"] 0.8.2 [05-07-2020 "UPD: Better tab and enter key handling"] 0.8.3 [11-07-2020 "UPD: remove global event func when closing window"] 0.8.4 [19-07-2020 "FIX: non-focus of grad-sliders knobs by fixing %feel-loose.r"] 0.8.5 [24-07-2020 "FIX: unfocus when switching to palette's panel"] 0.8.6 [11-08-2020 "FIX: speedup by better handling interacions UPD: minor cleanups"] 0.8.7 [27-09-2020 "FIX: added -style to modules names, avoid tab on choice-btn, better key support"] 0.8.8 [24-11-2020 "FIX: division by 0 in rgb-to-hsi. UPD: initial console message, keyboard input speedup"] 0.8.9 [12-02-2021 "ADD: RGB-to-sRGB (lossy) conversion"] 0.8.10 [31-12-2023 "UPD: improved load-script-thru"] ] Category: [util vid gfx] library: [ level: 'advanced platform: 'all type: 'function domain: [gui VID] tested-under: [View] support: none license: 'BSD see-also: none ] thumbnail: todo: { Add possibility to choose a named color Show old color also in palette mixer panel Convert "info" widget to field to make converted colors editable (and searchable?) } ] ; misc script-version: func [ source [string!] /local version spaces chars ][ version: 0.0.0 chars: complement spaces: charset " ^-^/" parse/all source [ thru "REBOL" any spaces "[" thru "version:" some spaces copy version some chars ] to-tuple version ] undirize: func ["Returns a copy of the path turned into a file." path [file! url! string!] ][ path: copy path while [find "/\" path: back tail path] [remove path] head path ] choose_file: func [filter [string!] /local file-name] [ until [ file-name: request-file/keep/only/filter filter if none? file-name [return none] exists? file-name ] to-rebol-file file-name ] download: func [ url [url!] /local lo bar cbk-fn data ][ view/new lo: center-face layout [ lbl "Downloading" text (form url) bar: progress ] cbk-fn: func [total bytes][ set-face bar bytes / total ] data: read-net/progress url :cbk-fn unview/only lo data ] load-script-thru: func ["Load a script from thru the cache" name [file! url!] /flash "Flash a message to the user while downloading" /warn "Alert user if script not found" /from path [file! url!] "Optional path where to search for the script" /version ver [tuple!] "Minimum version required" /local cache-name modul check-ver ][ check-ver: func [name /local modul][if ver > script-version modul: read name [modul: none] modul] if not value? 'view-root [view-root: either system/version/4 = 3 [%/C/Users/Public/Documents] [%/tmp]] cache-name: view-root/:name ver: any [ver 0.0.0] modul: any [ attempt [check-ver path/:name] ; try optional dir attempt [check-ver cache-name] ; try the cache attempt [check-ver name] ; try current dir attempt [ ; try loading it or downloading it from switch request [rejoin [form name " not found or wrong version, load it, download it from or quit?"] "Load" "Download" "Quit"] [ #[none] [quit] #[true] [check-ver choose_file "*.r"] #[false] [ modul: rejoin [ name] modul: mold/only load/all as-string either flash [download modul][read modul] if not find modul "REBOL [" [make error! "Script not found"] if ver > script-version modul [make error! "Script version too small"] ; FIXME: errors are silenced by attempt [... write cache-name modul ; FIXME: append it to a cache list of scripts instead modul ] ] ] ] if all [not modul warn] [alert rejoin ["Script <" name "> not found or version too small."]] modul ] ; if error? try [ ; use "do load" to avoid executing examples do load load-script-thru/flash/warn/from/version %feel-loose.r %../ 0.2.1 do load load-script-thru/flash/warn/from/version %simple-spin-number-style.r %../simple 0.9.0 ; 0.9.3 do load load-script-thru/flash/warn/from/version %simple-pop-down-style.r %../simple 0.3.1 ][ quit ] ; color spaces conversions color-conv-ctx: context [ to-tuple-color: func [color [block!]][ (1.0.0 * round color/1 * 255) + (0.1.0 * round color/2 * 255) + (0.0.1 * round color/3 * 255) ] rgb-to-rgb: func [ "Converts RGB to RGB. Values in range 0-1" RGB [block!] "values in range 0-1" ][ copy RGB ] rgb-to-hexadecimal: func [ "Converts RGB value to hexadecimal number" rgb [block!] "values in range 0-1" /local bin ][ remove remove to-hex to-integer to-binary to-tuple-color rgb ] hexadecimal-to-rgb: func [ "Converts hexadecimal number to RGB." hex [issue! string!] "values in range 00-FF" ][ if "#" = first hex [remove hex] hex: debase/base form hex 16 reduce [hex/1 / 255 hex/2 / 255 hex/3 / 255] ] rgb-to-hsv: func [ "Converts RGB value to HSV (hue, saturation, value). Values in range 0-1" rgb [block!] "values in range 0-1" /local r g b chroma h v ][ set [r g b] rgb v: max max r g b chroma: v - min min r g b if chroma = 0 [return reduce [0 0 v]] ; achromatic gray h: case [ v = r [g - b / chroma + 0] ; between yellow & magenta v = g [b - r / chroma + 2] ; between cyan & yellow v = b [r - g / chroma + 4] ; between magenta & cyan ] if h < 0 [h: h + 6] reduce [h / 6 chroma / v v] ] hsvf: func [h a b c /local k][ k: abs (mod (6 * h + c) 6) - 3 k: min max 0 k - 1 1 k: k * a + b ] hsv-to-rgb: func [ "Converts HSV (hue, saturation, value) to RGB. Values in range 0-1" hsv [block!] "values in range 0-1" /local h s v a b ][ set [h s v] hsv if s = 0 [return reduce [v v v]] ; achromatic grey a: v * s b: v - a reduce [hsvf h a b 0 hsvf h a b 4 hsvf h a b 2] ] rgb-to-hsl: func [ "Converts RGB value to HSL (hue, saturation, lightness). Values in range 0-1" rgb [block!] "values in range 0-1" /local r g b chroma h v L ][ set [r g b] rgb v: max max r g b chroma: v - L: min min r g b if chroma = 0 [return reduce [0 0 v]] ; achromatic gray h: case [ v = r [g - b / chroma + 0] ; between yellow & magenta v = g [b - r / chroma + 2] ; between cyan & yellow v = b [r - g / chroma + 4] ; between magenta & cyan ] if h < 0 [h: h + 6] L: v + L reduce [h / 6 chroma / (1 - abs L - 1) L / 2] ] hslf: func [h a b c /local k][ k: mod (12 * h + c) 12 k: min max -1 min (k - 3) (9 - k) 1 k: k * a + b ] hsl-to-rgb: func [ "Converts HSL (hue, saturation, lightness) to RGB. Values in range 0-1" hsl [block!] "values in range 0-1" /local h s a L ][ set [h s L] hsl if s = 0 [return reduce [L L L]] ; achromatic gray a: 0 - (s * min L 1 - L) reduce [hslf h a L 0 hslf h a L 8 hslf h a L 4] ] rgb-to-hwb: func [ "Converts RGB value to HWB (hue, whiteness, blackness). Values in range 0-1" rgb [block!] "values in range 0-1" /local r g b chroma h v w ][ set [r g b] rgb v: max max r g b chroma: v - w: min min r g b if chroma = 0 [return reduce [0 0 v]] ; achromatic gray h: case [ v = r [g - b / chroma + 0] ; between yellow & magenta v = g [b - r / chroma + 2] ; between cyan & yellow v = b [r - g / chroma + 4] ; between magenta & cyan ] if h < 0 [h: h + 6] reduce [h / 6 w 1 - v] ] hwbf: func [h a b c /local k][ k: abs (mod (6 * h + c) 6) - 3 k: min max 0 k - 1 1 k: k * a + b ] hwb-to-rgb: func [ "Converts HWB (hue, whiteness, blackness) to RGB. Values in range 0-1" hwb [block!] "values in range 0-1" /local h w b scale ][ set [h w b] hwb scale: 1 - w - b reduce [hwbf h scale w 0 hwbf h scale w 4 hwbf h scale w 2] ] rgb-to-hsi: func [ "Converts RGB value to HSI (hue, saturation, intensity). Values in range 0-1" rgb [block!] "values in range 0-1" /local r g b w h s i ][ set [r g b] rgb i: r + g + b / 3 s: either i = 0 [0][1 - ((min min r g b) / i) ] if s = 0 [return reduce [0 0 i]] { w: 0.5 * (r - g + r + b) / square-root (((r - g) * (r - g)) + ((r - b) * (g - b))) w: min max -1 w 1 h: arccosine/radians w if b > g [h: 2 * pi - h] } h: arctangent/radians 1.73205080756888 * (g - b) / (r - g + r - b + 1e-10) ; ... (sqrt 3) * ... if h < 0 [h: h + pi] if b > g [h: h + pi] reduce [h / (2 * pi) s i] ] hsi-to-rgb: func [ "Converts HSI (hue, saturation, intensity) to RGB. Values in range 0-1" hsi [block!] "values in range 0-1" /local h s i r g b ][ set [h s i] hsi if s = 0 [return reduce [i i i]] h: h * 360 ; h in 0-360 range case [ h < 120 [ b: 1 - s * i r: (s * cosine h) / (cosine (60 - h)) + 1 * i g: 3 * i - b - r ] h < 240 [ h: h - 120 r: 1 - s * i g: (s * cosine h) / (cosine (60 - h)) + 1 * i b: 3 * i - r - g ] h <= 360 [ h: h - 240 g: 1 - s * i b: (s * cosine h) / (cosine (60 - h)) + 1 * i r: 3 * i - g - b ] ] reduce [r g b] ] rgb-to-cmy: func [ "Converts RGB value to CMY (cyan, magenta, yellow). Values in range 0-1" rgb [block!] "values in range 0-1" /local r g b ][ set [r g b] rgb reduce [1 - r 1 - g 1 - b] ] cmy-to-rgb: func [ "Converts CMY (cyan, magenta, yellow) to RGB. Values in range 0-1" cmy [block!] "values in range 0-1" /local c m y ][ set [c m y] cmy reduce [1 - c 1 - m 1 - y] ] rgb-to-cmyk: func [ "Converts RGB value to CMYK (cyan, magenta, yellow, black). Values in range 0-1" rgb [block!] "values in range 0-1" /local r g b c m y k ][ set [r g b] rgb set [c m y] reduce [1 - r 1 - g 1 - b] k: min min c m y if k = 1 [return copy [0 0 0 1]] reduce [c - k / (1 - k) m - k / (1 - k) y - k / (1 - k) k] ] cmyk-to-rgb: func [ "Converts CMYK (cyan, magenta, yellow, black) to RGB. Values in range 0-1" cmyk [block!] "values in range 0-1" /local c m y k ][ set [c m y k] cmyk k: 1 - k reduce [1 - c * k 1 - m * k 1 - y * k] ] ; values from rgb-to-XYZ-sRGB-D65: [ [0.4124564 0.3575761 0.1804375] [0.2126729 0.7151522 0.0721750] [0.0193339 0.1191920 0.9503041] ] XYZ-to-rgb-sRGB-D65: [ [ 3.2404542 -1.5371385 -0.4985314] [-0.9692660 1.8760108 0.0415560] [ 0.0556434 -0.2040259 1.0572252] ] dot: func [ row [block!] col [block!] ][ (row/1 * col/1) + (row/2 * col/2) + (row/3 * col/3) ] gamma-compress: func [rgb /local u][ repeat u 3 [ rgb/(u): either rgb/(u) <= 0.04045 [ rgb/(u) / 12.92 ][ power (rgb/(u) + 0.055) / 1.055 2.4 ] ] rgb ] gamma-expand: func [rgb /local u][ repeat u 3 [ rgb/(u): either rgb/(u) <= 0.0031308 [ rgb/(u) * 12.92 ][ (1.055 * power rgb/(u) (1 / 2.4)) - 0.055 ] ] rgb ] rgb-to-xyz: func [ "Converts RGB value to XYZ. Values in range 0-1" rgb [block!] "values in range 0-1" /space ws [word! string!] /white ref [word! string!] /local mat ][ ws: form any [ws "sRGB"] ref: form any [ref "D65"] mat: get bind to-word join "rgb-to-XYZ-" [ws "-" ref] self rgb: gamma-compress copy rgb reduce [dot mat/1 rgb dot mat/2 rgb dot mat/3 rgb] ] xyz-to-rgb: func [ "Converts XYZ to RGB. Values in range 0-1" xyz [block!] "values in range 0-1" /space ws [word! string!] /white ref [word! string!] /local mat rgb ][ ws: form any [ws "sRGB"] ref: form any [ref "D65"] mat: get bind to-word join "XYZ-to-rgb-" [ws "-" ref] self rgb: reduce [dot mat/1 xyz dot mat/2 xyz dot mat/3 xyz] gamma-expand rgb ] rgb-to-srgb: func [ "Converts RGB to sRGB. Values in range 0-1" RGB [block!] "values in range 0-1" ][ gamma-compress copy RGB ] srgb-to-rgb: func [ "Converts sRGB to RGB. Values in range 0-1" sRGB [block!] "values in range 0-1" ][ gamma-expand copy sRGB ] rgb-to-YPbPr-SDTV: [ [ 0.299 0.587 0.114] [-0.169 -0.331 0.500] [ 0.500 -0.419 -0.081] ] YPbPr-to-rgb-SDTV: [ [ 1.000 0.000 1.402] [ 1.000 -0.344 -0.714] [ 1.000 1.722 0.000] ] rgb-to-YPbPr: func [ "Converts RGB value to YPbPr with values in range [0 1] and [-.5 +.5]" rgb [block!] "values in range 0-1" /tv video [word! string!] /local mat ][ video: form any [video "SDTV"] mat: get bind to-word append copy "rgb-to-YPbPr-" video self reduce [dot mat/1 rgb dot mat/2 rgb dot mat/3 rgb] ] YPbPr-to-rgb: func [ "Converts YPbPr with values in range [0 1] and [-.5 +.5] tp RGB values in range [0 1]" YPbPr [block!] "values in range [0 1] and [-.5 +.5]" /tv video [word! string!] /local mat ][ video: form any [video "SDTV"] mat: get bind to-word append copy "YPbPr-to-rgb-" video self reduce [dot mat/1 YPbPr dot mat/2 YPbPr dot mat/3 YPbPr] ] rgb-to-YCbCr-full: [ [ 0.299 0.587 0.114] [-0.169 -0.331 0.500] [ 0.500 -0.419 -0.081] ] YCbCr-to-rgb-full: [ [ 1.000 0.000 1.400] [ 1.000 -0.343 -0.711] [ 1.000 1.765 0.000] ] rgb-to-YCbCr: func [ "Converts RGB value to YCbCr with values in range [0 1]" rgb [block!] "values in range 0-1" /tv video [word! string!] /local mat ][ video: form any [video "full"] mat: get bind to-word append copy "rgb-to-YCbCr-" video self reduce [dot mat/1 rgb 0.5 + dot mat/2 rgb 0.5 + dot mat/3 rgb] ] YCbCr-to-rgb: func [ "Converts YCbCr with values in range [0 1] tp RGB values in range [0 1]" YCbCr [block!] "values in range [0 1]" /tv video [word! string!] /local mat ][ YCbCr/2: YCbCr/2 - .5 YCbCr/3: YCbCr/3 - .5 video: form any [video "full"] mat: get bind to-word append copy "YCbCr-to-rgb-" video self reduce [dot mat/1 YCbCr dot mat/2 YCbCr dot mat/3 YCbCr] ] rgb-to-yuv-atv: [ [ 0.299 0.587 0.114] [-0.147 -0.289 0.436] [ 0.615 -0.515 -0.100] ] yuv-to-rgb-atv: [ [ 1.000 0.000 1.140] [ 1.000 -0.395 -0.581] [ 1.000 2.032 0.000] ] rgb-to-yuv: func [ "Converts RGB value to YUV with values in range [0 1] [-0.436 +0.436] [-0.615 +0.615]" rgb [block!] "values in range 0-1" /local mat ][ mat: rgb-to-yuv-atv reduce [dot mat/1 rgb dot mat/2 rgb dot mat/3 rgb] ] yuv-to-rgb: func [ "Converts YUV with values in range [0 1] [-0.436 +0.436] [-0.615 +0.615] to RGB values in range [0 1]" yuv [block!] "values in range [0 1] [-0.436 +0.436] [-0.615 +0.615]" /local mat ][ mat: yuv-to-rgb-atv reduce [dot mat/1 yuv dot mat/2 yuv dot mat/3 yuv] ] rgb-to-CIELAB: func [ "Converts RGB value to CIE L*a*b* with values in range [0 100] and [-128 128]" rgb [block!] "values in range [0 1]" /local xyz value ][ xyz: rgb-to-xyz rgb ; observer = 2°, illuminant = D65 xyz/1: xyz/1 * 100 / 95.047 xyz/2: xyz/2 * 100 / 100.0 xyz/3: xyz/3 * 100 / 108.883 forall xyz [ value: xyz/1 xyz/1: either value > 0.008856 [ power value (1 / 3) ][ 7.787 * value + (16 / 116) ] ] reduce [116 * xyz/2 - 16 500 * (xyz/1 - xyz/2) 200 * (xyz/2 - xyz/3)] ] CIELAB-to-rgb: func [ "Converts CIE L*a*b* with values in range [0 100] and [-128 128] to RGB values in range [0 1]" Lab [block!] "values in range [0 100] and [-128 128]" /local x y z xyz value ][ y: Lab/1 + 16 / 116 x: Lab/2 / 500 + y z: y - (Lab/3 / 200) xyz: reduce [x y z] forall xyz [ value: power xyz/1 3 xyz/1: either value > 0.008856 [ value ][ xyz/1 - (16 / 116) / 7.787 ] ] ; observer = 2°, illuminant = D65 xyz/1: xyz/1 * 95.047 / 100 xyz/2: xyz/2 * 100.0 / 100 xyz/3: xyz/3 * 108.883 / 100 xyz-to-rgb xyz ] ] if not value? 'color-req-ctx [ color-req-ctx: context [ tab-chain: none ; series cycle: func [ "Cycles through a series" series [series! port!] /back ; redefined ][ either back [ system/words/back either head? series [tail series] [series] ][ either tail? next series [head series] [next series] ] ] fry: func [ series [series!] items [series!] /with marker [word!] ][ marker: any [marker '_] items: copy items replace/all copy series marker does [take items] ] ; ; control eat_events: func [;{derived from flush_events 12-May-2007 Anton Rolls} "Allow GUI messages to be processed faster then wait." /skip events [block!] "types of events to skip. Default: [move]" /local evt ] [ events: any [events [move]] ; Remove the event-port remove find system/ports/wait-list system/view/event-port ; Clear the event port of queued events while [evt: pick system/view/event-port 1][if not find events evt/type [do evt]] ; fixed by luce80 ; Re-add the event-port to the wait-list insert system/ports/wait-list system/view/event-port ] ; ; math atan2: func [; author: Steeve Antoine 2009, modified by luce80 "Angle of the vector (0,0)-(x,y) with arctangent y / x. The resulting angle is in range 0 360" x [number!] y [number!] ][ if x = 0 [x: 1e-10] ;mod add arctangent y / x pick [0 180] x > 0 360 ; 0 at east add arctangent y / x pick [90 270] x > 0 ; 0 at north, clock-wise ] rotate-point: func [p [pair!] sina [decimal!] cosa [decimal!] /local px py][ px: p/x py: p/y p/x: (px * cosa) - (py * sina) p/y: (px * sina) + (py * cosa) p ] rotate-point-around-point: func [p [pair!] sina [decimal!] cosa [decimal!] center [pair!] /local px py cx cy][ px: p/x py: p/y cx: center/x cy: center/y p/x: (px * cosa) - (py * sina) - (cx * cosa) + (cy * sina) + cx p/y: (px * sina) + (py * cosa) - (cx * sina) - (cy * cosa) + cy p ] re-form-dec: func ["Convert scientific to decimal notation. (modifies)" number [string!] /local digit pos end sign exp ][ sign: 0 digit: charset ["0123456789"] parse/all number [ opt ["-" (sign: 1)] any digit opt [pos: "." ] any digit [ end: "E-" (if pos <> end [remove pos end: back end] pos: remove/part end 2) :pos copy exp some digit end: (exp: do exp remove/part pos end) ] | (return number) ; if exponent not found abort ] insert/dup insert skip number sign "0." "0" exp - 1 number ] re-form-decs: func [num [string!] /local pos][ ; FIXME: could be a refinement of re-form-dec pos: num until [ re-form-dec pos none? pos: find/tail pos " " ] num ] ; ; tuple<->block normalize-color: func [color [tuple!]] [ reduce [(color/1 / 255) (color/2 / 255) (color/3 / 255)] ] to-tuple-color: func [color [block!]][ (1.0.0 * round color/1 * 255) + (0.1.0 * round color/2 * 255) + (0.0.1 * round color/3 * 255) ] scale-block: func [color [block!] scale [block!]] [ color: copy color foreach [mult rnd] scale [ color/1: round/to color/1 * mult rnd color: next color ] head color ] ; color-styles: stylize [ grad-slider: box edge [size: 1x1 color: none] with [ data: 0 low: 0 high: 1 step: none words: [low high step [ if not number? second args [make error! reduce ['script 'expect-set "number!" type? second args]] set in new first args second args next args ] ] knob-w_2: 7 width-in: 255 box-slide: none box-knob: none main: none main-colors: none this: self access: make ctx-access/data-number [ set-face*: func [face value][ if face/data = value [exit] face/data: value: min max face/low value face/high face/box-knob/offset/x: round width-in * (value - face/low) / (face/high - face/low + 1e-10) ] ] chg-grad: func [comp rgb][ box-slide/effect/3: box-slide/effect/4: rgb box-slide/effect/3/(comp): 0 box-slide/effect/4/(comp): 255 show box-slide ] init: [ this: self if none? step [step: (high - low) / 100] main-colors: any [colors [0.0.0 255.0.0]] colors: none color: none main: layout [ origin as-pair knob-w_2 0 at as-pair knob-w_2 4 box-slide: box width-in * 1x0 + 0x20 edge none ;effect reduce ['gradient 1x0 main-colors/1 main-colors/2] feel [ engage: func [face action event /local offs][ offs: face/offset/x - knob-w_2 box-knob/offset/x: min max offs offs + event/offset/x offs + width-in do box-knob/feel/action if action = 'down [box-knob/edge/size: 3x3] if action = 'up [box-knob/edge/size: 2x2] show box-knob ] ] at 0x0 box-knob: box (knob-w_2 * 2x0 + 0x28) with [flags: [no-focus]] ; do not give focus to us because it will be given to a spin-number edge [size: 2x2 color: gray] feel [ engage: func [face action event][ if action = 'down [box-knob/edge/size: 3x3] if action = 'up [box-knob/edge/size: 2x2] show box-knob ] ] loose [ step: 1x0 range-x: as-pair box-slide/offset/x - knob-w_2 box-slide/offset/x - knob-w_2 + width-in action: [ this/data: box-knob/offset/x / box-slide/size/x this/data: min max 0 this/data 1 this/data: this/data * (this/high - this/low) + this/low this/action this this/data ] ] ] ; layout size: main/size + (edge/size * 2) pane: get in main 'pane if all [effect not find effect 'gradient] [insert effect [gradient 1x0 230.230.230 230.230.230]] box-slide/effect: effect effect: none user-data: data data: none ; force refresh in set-face ] ; init ] ; with palette-mixer: box font [size: 14] effect [draw [translate 2x2]] feel [ engage: func [face action event /local pos cell] [ if action = 'up [ pos: event/offset cell: min max 1x1 pos - 2x2 - face/edge/size / face/swatch-size + 1x1 7x6 case [ cell/y <= 3 [face/source: none face/dest: cell] cell/y = 4 [face/source: none face/dest: none] cell/y <= 6 [ either face/dest [ face/source: cell face/mix face/dest: none ][ face/dest: cell ] ] ] either face/dest [ face/effect/draw/("evpen"): white face/effect/draw/("evpos"): face/swatch-size * face/dest do-face face face/effect/draw/(form face/dest) ][ face/effect/draw/("evpen"): none ] show face ] ] ] with [ access: make ctx-access/data-number [ set-face*: func [face value][ face/dest: value/1 face/data: value/2 ] ] colors: [ ; my own "balanced" palette (inspired by McBeth colors) 234.184.142 255.255.0 160.187.37 204.249.218 189.186.214 241.137.163 255.255.255 255.0.0 255.102.0 0.156.19 0.171.128 0.164.227 175.44.116 128.128.128 143.48.29 89.44.16 0.79.0 37.96.165 36.49.131 117.34.118 0.0.0 ] source: none dest: none swatch-size: 50x30 orig: 0x0 mix: func [/local draw lft mid rgt cell swatch][ draw: effect/draw if none? source [exit] if none? dest [exit] draw/(form source): either dest = 0x0 [data] [draw/(form dest)] mid: source source/x: 1 lft: draw/(form source) rgt: draw/(form mid) for cell mid/x - 1 2 -1 [ swatch: form as-pair mid/x - cell + 1 source/y lft/1: round rgt/1 - lft/1 / cell + lft/1 lft/2: round rgt/2 - lft/2 / cell + lft/2 lft/3: round rgt/3 - lft/3 / cell + lft/3 draw/(swatch): lft ] lft: draw/(form mid) source/x: 7 rgt: draw/(form source) for cell 7 - mid/x 2 -1 [ swatch: form as-pair 7 - cell + 1 source/y lft/1: round rgt/1 - lft/1 / cell + lft/1 lft/2: round rgt/2 - lft/2 / cell + lft/2 lft/3: round rgt/3 - lft/3 / cell + lft/3 draw/(swatch): lft ] ] append init [ orig: 0x0 repeat r 6 [ repeat c 7 [ append effect/draw compose [ pen (either r = 4 [none][black]) fill-pen (form as-pair c r) (pick colors (r - 1 * 7 + c)) box (orig) (orig + swatch-size) ] orig/x: orig/x + swatch-size/x ] orig/x: 0 orig/y: orig/y + swatch-size/y ] append effect/draw compose [font (font) text (swatch-size * 3 + 10 * 0x1 + 4x0) "Pick a color and select a box below"] append effect/draw compose [ pen "evpen" none line-width 2 fill-pen none translate "evpos" (swatch-size * 1x1) box (1x1) (0x0 - swatch-size - 1x1) ] effect/draw/("1x5"): white effect/draw/("7x5"): black effect/draw/("1x6"): black effect/draw/("7x6"): white source: 1x5 dest: 1x5 mix source: 1x6 dest: 1x6 mix source: dest: none size: edge/size * 2 + as-pair swatch-size/x * 7 + 1 + 4 swatch-size/y * 6 + 1 + 4 ] ] ] ctx-rgb: context [ gs-1: gs-2: gs-3: spin-1: spin-2: spin-3: none change_grads: func [rgb][ gs-1/chg-grad 1 rgb gs-2/chg-grad 2 rgb gs-3/chg-grad 3 rgb ] update: func [ comp value /local rgb ][ if not value? 'box-sample [exit] set-face get in ctx-rgb to-word append copy "gs-" comp value set-face get in ctx-rgb to-word append copy "spin-" comp value rgb: get-face box-sample rgb/(comp): value / 255 set-face box-sample rgb ; always change ALL gradients because they depend on all 3 components change_grads box-sample/color ] rgb: layout/tight [ styles color-styles style grad-slide grad-slider 128 low 0 high 255 step 1 effect [gradient 1x0 0.0.0 255.0.0] style spin spin-number 70x22 128.0 integer low 0 high 255 space 0x-4 across gs-1: grad-slide [focus/no-show spin-1 update 1 value] pad 0x4 spin-1: spin [update 1 value] h3 "R" feel none return gs-2: grad-slide [focus/no-show spin-2 update 2 value] pad 0x4 spin-2: spin [update 2 value] h3 "G" feel none return gs-3: grad-slide [focus/no-show spin-3 update 3 value] pad 0x4 spin-3: spin [update 3 value] h3 "B" feel none do [tab-chain: reduce [spin-1/field spin-2/field spin-3/field]] ] ] ctx-hsl-g: context [ hsl-gizmo: spin-1: spin-2: spin-3: none update_sample: func [/local hsl][ if not value? 'box-sample [exit] hsl: reduce [((get-face spin-1) / 360) (min max 1e-10 (get-face spin-2) / 100 1 - 1e-10) (min max 1e-10 (get-face spin-3) / 100 1 - 1e-10)] set-face box-sample color-conv-ctx/hsl-to-rgb hsl ] hsl-giz: layout/tight [ hsl-gizmo: box 200x200 effect compose/deep [draw [ ; HSL gizmo ; H pen none fill-pen conic 100x100 0 360 90 1 1 red yellow green cyan blue magenta red circle 100x100 100 fill-pen "G" (white + ; grayness (saturation) circle 100x100 100 fill-pen "D" (black + ; darkness (value) circle 100x100 100 fill-pen white circle 100x100 75 pen 220.220.220 ; S fill-pen conic 100x100 10 360 170 1 1 black "S0" gray "S1" red arc 100x100 70x70 190 160 closed ; L fill-pen conic 100x100 200 360 -10 1 1 white "L.5" red black arc 100x100 70x70 10 160 closed fill-pen white circle 100x100 45 pen none ; old (optional) fill-pen "old" black arc 100x100 40x40 180 180 closed ; new fill-pen "new" red arc 100x100 40x40 0 180 closed pen black fill-pen none circle 100x100 40 ; knobs translate "KH" 100x12 pen white line-width 2.5 fill-pen none circle 0x0 11.5 pen black line-width 2 circle 0x0 10 reset-matrix translate "KS" 100x42 pen white line-width 2.5 circle 0x0 11.5 pen black line-width 2 circle 0x0 10 reset-matrix translate "KL" 100x157 pen white line-width 2.5 circle 0x0 11.5 pen black line-width 2 circle 0x0 10 reset-matrix ]] feel [ engage: func [face action event /local k pos radius angle col][ if find [down over away] action [ pos: event/offset - 100x100 radius: 1e-10 + square-root (pos/x * pos/x) + (pos/y * pos/y) angle: atan2 pos/x pos/y ] case [ action = 'down [ face/k: case [ radius <= 40 [ exit ] radius <= 70 [ face/orbit: 58 case [ all [ 95 < angle angle < 265] [face/ang-min: 100 face/ang-max: 260 "KL"] any [275 < angle angle < 85] [face/ang-min: 100 face/ang-max: 260 angle: mod angle - 180 360 "KS"] 'else [none] ] ] radius <= 101 [ face/orbit: 88 face/ang-min: 0 face/ang-max: 360 "KH" ] 'else [ none ] ] if face/k [ if radius <> face/orbit [ pos: pos * (face/orbit / radius) ; re-put on orbit ] ] ] find [over away] action [ if none? face/k [exit] if face/k = "KS" [angle: mod angle - 180 360] if radius <> face/orbit [ pos: pos * (face/orbit / radius) ; re-put on orbit ] if angle < face/ang-min [ pos: either face/k = "KS" [-57x-11][56x11] ; "hardcoded" to avoid rounding errors angle: face/ang-min ] if angle > face/ang-max [ pos: either face/k = "KS" [56x-11][-57x11] ; "hardcoded" to make it more stable angle: face/ang-max ] ;?? angle ] action = 'up [ face/k: none ] ] if find [down up over away] action [ if face/k [ face/effect/draw/(face/k): pos + 100x100 switch face/k [ "KH" [face/data/1/1: angle / 360] "KS" [face/data/1/2: min max 1e-10 ((angle - 100) / (260 - 100)) 1 - 1e-10] "KL" [face/data/1/3: min max 1e-10 1 - ((angle - 100) / (260 - 100)) 1 - 1e-10] ] face/update_grads do-face face face/data/1 ] ] ] ] with [ data: copy/deep [[0 0 0] [0 0 0]] ; new and optional default k: none orbit: 88 ang-min: 0 ang-max: 360 modify?: false update_grads: func [/local col draw rgb][ col: copy data/1 draw: effect/draw rgb: color-conv-ctx/hsl-to-rgb col draw/("new"): to-tuple-color rgb if not modify? [draw/("old"): draw/("new")] draw/("G")/4: second to-tuple-color color-conv-ctx/rgb-to-hsv rgb ; note the use of HSV instead of HSL draw/("D")/4: third to-tuple-color color-conv-ctx/rgb-to-hsv rgb col/2: 0 draw/("S0"): to-tuple-color color-conv-ctx/hsl-to-rgb col col/2: 1 draw/("S1"): to-tuple-color color-conv-ctx/hsl-to-rgb col col/2: data/1/2 col/3: 0.50 draw/("L.5"): to-tuple-color color-conv-ctx/hsl-to-rgb col face ] update_knobs: func [/local angle pos][ angle: data/1/1 * 360 pos: rotate-point 0x-88 sine angle cosine angle effect/draw/("KH"): pos + 100x100 angle: data/1/2 * (170 - 10) + 10 pos: rotate-point -58x0 sine angle cosine angle effect/draw/("KS"): pos + 100x100 angle: negate data/1/3 * (260 - 100) + 10 pos: rotate-point -58x0 sine angle cosine angle effect/draw/("KL"): pos + 100x100 ] access: make ctx-access/data-number [ set-face*: func [face value][ if all [2 = length? value face/data = value] [exit] if face/data/1 = value [exit] face/data: copy/deep value face/update_grads face/update_knobs ] ] ] [ ; action focus/no-show switch face/k [ "KH" [spin-1] "KS" [spin-2] "KL" [spin-3] ] set-face box-sample color-conv-ctx/hsl-to-rgb face/data/1 ] return here: at across guide at here pad 37x0 guide space 0x8 style spin spin-number 70x22 50.0 low 0 high 100 spin-1: spin 90.0 low 0 high 360 step 0.5 cycle [update_sample] h3 "H" feel none return spin-2: spin [update_sample] h3 "S" feel none return spin-3: spin [update_sample] h3 "L" feel none do [append tab-chain reduce [spin-1/field spin-2/field spin-3/field]] ] ] update_all: func [/local comp mult rgb hsl][ rgb: box-sample/norm-color box-sample/set?: false ; avoid infinite loop and "bouncing" hsl: color-conv-ctx/rgb-to-hsl rgb foreach [face comp mult] reduce [ ctx-hsl-g/spin-1 1 360 ctx-hsl-g/spin-2 2 100 ctx-hsl-g/spin-3 3 100 ] [ set-face face round/to hsl/(comp) * mult 0.01 ] set-face ctx-hsl-g/hsl-gizmo compose/deep [[(hsl)]] box-sample/set?: true foreach [face comp mult] reduce [ ctx-rgb/gs-1 1 255 ctx-rgb/gs-2 2 255 ctx-rgb/gs-3 3 255 ctx-rgb/spin-1 1 255 ctx-rgb/spin-2 2 255 ctx-rgb/spin-3 3 255 ] [ set-face face rgb/(comp) * mult ] ctx-rgb/change_grads box-sample/color set-face info-rgb box-sample/color do-face choice-conv none ] svv/vid-face/color: snow ; background color of all windows ; FIXME: make this settable (light/dark) color-win: [ styles color-styles origin 4x4 panel-pal: panel svv/vid-face/color [ pal-mix: palette-mixer [ set-face box-sample normalize-color value box-sample/edge/color: none show box-sample ] pad 2x0 box-sample: box start-color edge [size: 1x1 color: none] feel [ engage: func [face action event][ if action = 'up [ set-face pal-mix compose [0x0 (face/color)] pal-mix/effect/draw/("evpen"): none face/edge/color: complement svv/vid-face/color show [face pal-mix] ] ] ] with [ norm-color: none set?: true access: make object! [ set-face*: func [face value /local comp col chg][;print [ "box-samp-set" face/norm-color value set?] if not set? [exit] if value = face/norm-color [exit] face/norm-color: value face/color: to-tuple-color face/norm-color show face update_all ] get-face*: func [face][ copy face/norm-color ] ] ] ] at 4x4 panel-slides: panel svv/vid-face/color [ sliders-rgb: box with [pane: ctx-rgb/rgb/pane append init [size: ctx-rgb/rgb/size + (edge/size * 2)]] pad 25x0 sliders-hsl-giz: box with [pane: ctx-hsl-g/hsl-giz/pane append init [size: ctx-hsl-g/hsl-giz/size + (edge/size * 2)]] ] do [panel-pal/size: panel-slides/size] return space 4x4 across btn 100 "Palette & Mixer..." with [data: "Color sliders..."] [ value: face/data face/data: face/text face/text: value unfocus move color-lay/pane 1 ; switch between sliders and palette panels show color-lay ] pad 50x0 btn 100 "OK" [result: box-sample/color hide-popup] btn 100 "Cancel" escape [hide-popup] return below at 262x200 text 100 "RGB" bold center info-rgb: info "0.0.0" 100 pad -40x0 choice-conv: choice-btn 140x24 "hexadecimal" data ["hexadecimal" "CIELab" "CMY" "CMYK" "HSI" "HSL" "HSV" "HWB" "sRGB" "XYZ" "YCbCr" "YPbPr" "YUV"] [ use [rgb col-space col] [ rgb: box-sample/norm-color col-space: get-face face col: color-conv-ctx/(to-word append copy "rgb-to-" col-space) rgb set-face info-conv re-form-decs switch col-space [ "hexadecimal" [mold col] "CIELab" [fry "_ _ _" scale-block col [1 0.01 1 0.01 1 0.01]] "HSL" [fry "_° _% _%" scale-block col [360 0.01 100 0.01 100 0.01]] "HSV" [fry "_° _% _%" scale-block col [360 0.01 100 0.01 100 0.01]] "HSI" [fry "_° _% _%" scale-block col [360 0.01 100 0.01 100 0.01]] "HWB" [fry "_° _% _%" scale-block col [360 0.01 100 0.01 100 0.01]] "CMY" [fry "_ / _ / _" scale-block col [100 1 100 1 100 1]] "CMYK" [fry "_ / _ / _ / _" scale-block col [100 1 100 1 100 1 100 1]] ;"RGB" [fry "_ _ _" scale-block col [1 0.01 1 0.01 1 0.01]] "sRGB" [fry "_ _ _" scale-block col [255 1 255 1 255 1]] "XYZ" [fry "_ _ _" scale-block col [1 0.01 1 0.01 1 0.01]] "YCbCr" [fry "_ _ _" scale-block col [1 0.001 1 0.001 1 0.001]] "YPbPr" [fry "_ _ _" scale-block col [1 0.01 1 0.01 1 0.01]] "YUV" [fry "_ _ _" scale-block col [1 0.01 1 0.01 1 0.01]] ] show info-conv ] ] info-conv: info "" 140 ] color-req-event-func: func [face event][ eat_events/skip [move key time] ; speedup movement and input by avoiding following all events if event/key = tab [ if any [ system/view/focal-face = none system/view/focal-face/style = 'spin system/view/focal-face/style = 'choice-list ] [ focus first tab-chain return none ] if attempt [face: find tab-chain system/view/focal-face][ do-face first face get-face first face face: first either event/shift [cycle/back face][cycle face] focus face return none ] ] if event/key = #"^M" [; enter if any [ system/view/focal-face = none system/view/focal-face/style = 'spin system/view/focal-face/style = 'choice-list ] [ result: box-sample/color hide-popup return none ] ] event ] ; main start-color: 148.128.108 result: none color-lay: none set 'request_color func [ "Requests a color value." /color clr [tuple!] "Start with this color" ; FIXME: better use /with as name ? /offset xy [pair!] "Offset of requester window" /modify "Modify the given color" ][ if none? :color-lay [ color-lay: layout color-win ] insert-event-func :color-req-event-func set-face box-sample normalize-color any [clr start-color] ctx-hsl-g/hsl-gizmo/modify?: modify result: none do pick [inform/title inform/title/offset] not offset color-lay "Choose a color" xy ; restore defaults set-face box-sample normalize-color start-color ctx-hsl-g/hsl-gizmo/modify?: false remove-event-func :color-req-event-func result ] ] ; color-req-ctx ] ; value? do ; just comment this line to avoid executing examples [ if system/script/title = "Choose and convert colors" [;do examples only if script started by us print "Chosen color:" ;probe request-color/color red probe request_color probe request_color/color crimson probe request_color/modify probe request_color/modify/color crimson halt ] ; if title ] ; do
halt ;; to terminate script if DO'ne from webpage